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Customize the Logo

Arpit Sheth edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Because Polaroid supports both light mode and dark mode, we recommend providing two versions of your logo that are suitable for light and dark mode.

  1. Create a directory to shadow the theme assets: /src/@shetharp/gatsby-theme-polaroid/assets/
  2. Add your customized files for the following files:
    • logo-dark.svg — Dark version of logo, suitable for light backgrounds. Used in the header by default.
    • logo-light.svg — Light version of logo, suitable for Dark backgrounds. Used in the header by default.
    • logo-icon-dark.svg — Dark version of logo icon, suitable for light backgrounds. Used in the footer by default.
    • logo-icon-light.svg — Light version of logo icon, suitable for dark backgrounds. Used in the footer by default.