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This is a project i did as exercise a while ago from free code camp. The project didn't have docker iamge, just basic nodejs express server. I Added Dockerfile & helm chart (myapps is the chart diractory) plus the github actions for deployments (More near the end of this document), The chart is generic (hence the weird name).

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This is a project i did as exercise a while ago from free code camp. The project didn't have docker iamge, just basic nodejs express server. I Added Dockerfile & helm chart (myapps is the chart diractory) plus the github actions for deployments (More near the end of this document), The chart is generic (hence the weird name).

added few endpoints: /log - 20 last commits /version - GITHUB_SHA + GITHUB_REF /health - return status code 200 for k8s health check. Added unit test: Added fake unit test just have test. The tests are running in the build process.

Getting started:

# Clone the project to local dircatory
git clone
# Chnage diractory to the project diractory.
cd FCC-Basic-Node-and-Express

Run the project localy: Requirements: nodejs npm

npm install
npm start
# If the port 3000 already taken start it on diffrent port 
# (in bash, on windows you will need to define PORT environment variable seperate and run the above command):
`PORT=8888 npm start`

Build and Run with docker: Requirements: docker engine

docker build -t fcc-basic-node-and-express .
docker run --rm -it --name myapp-dev -p 3333:3000 fcc-basic-node-and-express
# -p your_pc_port:docker_container_port

Open browser: http://localhost:3333

Run with docker: Requirements: docker engine

docker run --rm -it --name myapp-dev -p 3333:3000 smuel770/fcc-basic-node-and-express:latest
# -p your_pc_port:docker_container_port

Open browser: http://localhost:3333

Install the project into kubernets cluster (using existing docker image): Requirements: helm 3 (local) bash (local) git (local) kubernetes cluster nginx ingress controller (installed in the k8s cluster)

# Chnage diractory to the install script diractory.
cd install
# Add execute permissions to the install script.
sudo chmod +x
# Install the chart on your kubernetes cluster.
ENVIRONMENT=dev ./ latest smuel770/fcc-basic-node-and-express

Add ingres hostname to /etc/hosts To get the ingress hostname and IP:

kubectl get ingress -n {dev/qa/prod}
# This is an example output copy the host 
# NAME                                CLASS    HOSTS                                          ADDRESS        PORTS     AGE
# fcc-basic-node-and-express-myapps   <none>   80, 443   7h14m
# Get your ingress controller IP
kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress-controller 
# This is an example output copy the EXTERNAL-IP of the  nginx-ingress-controller and use this in your DNS
# NAME                                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
# nginx-ingress-controller                   LoadBalancer   80:30111/TCP,443:32286/TCP   27h
# nginx-ingress-controller-default-backend   ClusterIP    <none>         80/TCP                       27h

Adding host mapping to your nginx ingress controller

# Add DNS mapping pointing to your ingress controller into to your /etc/hosts or DNS server.
sudo sh -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts'

Installing helm 3: Installing git (debian\ubuntu): sudo apt install git Installing bash: Well you need to have it, Or if you on windows 10 install WSL here is how -

Installing kubernets: this is out of the scope for this document (if you not familar with kubernets go learn about it, it's a graet tool). Installing ingress controller in kubernets cluster

helm repo add bitnami
helm install nginx-ingress-controller --namespace=nginx-ingress-controller bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller --create-namespace


The project is built and deployed by git branchs rules. All deployment process is done by github actions .github/workflows. The app is running on Google cloud GKE cluster in three diffrent namespaces. secret for deployment are stored as secret variables in github.

App running after deployment here:


There are some issues i opend in the repo and didn't got to do.

Build and deploy rules

dev: on: manual: push: branches: - "*" - '!master' - '!dev' QA: on: manual: pull_request: branches: - dev PROD: on: manual: pull_request: branches: - main Package: (Build and push docker image) on: manual: Build: (Build docker image) on: manual:

If i forgat somthing ask me about it ..


This is a project i did as exercise a while ago from free code camp. The project didn't have docker iamge, just basic nodejs express server. I Added Dockerfile & helm chart (myapps is the chart diractory) plus the github actions for deployments (More near the end of this document), The chart is generic (hence the weird name).







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