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Extension on Mongoid for enhancing the developer experience on the usage of client-side encryption

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Mongoid Client-Side Encryption

Mongodb provides a great framework for clients to encrypt fields in documents (Client-side Encryption). However, the official support is only on driver level (Mongo Ruby Driver) and lack of support on Mongoid (Ticket).

This gem is an extension on Mongoid for enhancing the developer experience on the usage of client-side encryption. It provides the following features:

  • Works with Mongoid fields
    • Configure encryption along with model field definition
  • Generate schema map Mongodb needed
    • A generator to extra encryption config and return the schema map in JSON format.
  • Makes migrating existing data easy
    • Double-write existing and encrypted fields for safe-migration (value will be saved into original field and an encrypted field simultaneously)


Add the gem into the Gemfile

gem 'mongoid-client-side-encryption', git: ''


First, follow the official documentation to install libmongocrypt and mongocryptd.

And then go to your model and update fields you need to encrypt, for example if you want to encrypt the email of the User model.

  • Include the MongoidClientSideEncryption::Encryptable concern provided
  • Run enable_mongodb_client_encryption to register model (optionally you might set encrypt_metadata along with the config)
  • Add extra option encrypt with desired field settings
class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include MongoidClientSideEncryption::Encryptable

  enable_mongodb_client_encryption encrypt_metadata: { key_id: 'a0f76259-b314-48f0-a829-dbcc7027328b' }

  field :email, type: String, encrypt: {
    migrating: true,
    algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic',
    key_id: 'bdf8a4b0-9e29-44eb-9c4d-f66391ff731f'

  # For hash and array fields, algorithm is forced to be AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random
  field :some_data, type: Hash, encrypt: true

  # For manual registration on nested/embedded document, do not provide double-write feature
  encrypts_field 'embedded_field.secret', type: String, encrypt: true

After the model configuration, when you operate with the email field, it will try to update the email and also a encrypted_email field as well. To enable the client-side encryption provided by Mongodb framework, you should setup the auto_encryption_options in mongoid.yml.

Before that, let's generate the schema map based on the model definition we set in the previous step by running the following generator:

rails generate mongoid_client_side_encryption:schema_map

The output file will be generated to config/mongodb_schema_map.json


  "shopline.users": {
    "bsonType": "object",
    "encryptMetadata": {
      "keyId": [
          "$uuid": "2ffe54ab-2b04-4556-80ca-7f96e709b2b6"
    "properties": {
      "mobile_phone": {
        "encrypt": {
          "bsonType": "string",
          "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
      "email": {
        "encrypt": {
          "bsonType": "string",
          "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"


Add the generated schema map along with the auto_encryption_options in config/mongoid.yml

        key_vault_namespace: ...
        kms_providers: ...
        schema_map: !ruby/object:MongoidClientSideEncryption::SchemaMap
          data: <%='config/mongodb_schema_map.json') %>

We are all set and ready to start the application.


Lists the supported parameters of the enable_mongodb_client_encryption model registeration call

Parameter Description Default
encrypt_metadata Extra encrypt metadata needed for client-side encryption (Doc) {}
encrypt_metadata.algorithm The encryption algorithm to use to encrypt a given field.

Supported Supports:
encrypt_metadata.key_id The UUID of the model level data encryption key nil

Lists the supported parameters of the encrypt option in field definition

Parameter Description Default
encrypt When this is true, register the field with all the default options nil
encrypt.migrating When this is true, the gem will try to double-write data into encrypted and unencrypted field, and FIELD_XXX constant will return the unencrypted field as well.

Expects application to migrate and encrypt data into encrypted field and then switch this config to false
encrypt.algorithm The encryption algorithm to use to encrypt a given field.

Supported Supports:
encrypt.key_id The UUID of the field level data encryption key nil


Working with Model

> user = User.create!(email: ''); nil
=> ""
> PP.pp user.attributes
=> {
> user.reload; nil
> = ""
=> ""
> user.changes
=> {"encrypted_email"=>["", ""], "email"=>["", ""]}

If you check the raw data in Mongodb, you will see the email (unencrypted) and a encrypted_email (encrypted with client-side encryption)

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "6242b23869537f02dd6274ec"
  "encrypted_email": {
    "$binary": "AS/+VKsrBEVWgMp/lucJsrYCvfp9pqvkS27rY3QamZOeuyRm/GuoruAiWV09NEytWIfB8zDwLRSrMSABSn8FbQBUSxNJAAKhB7e6kx9Q5xHvAvcW4inVj2rd5lXwXTte8Tw=",
    "$type": "6"
  "email": "",
  "updated_at": {
    "$date": "2022-03-29T07:16:08.058Z"
  "created_at": {
    "$date": "2022-03-29T07:16:08.058Z"

Working with bulk or raw mongodb query

If you need to work without the model like performing bulkwrite or query, you might use the FIELD_ constant to select the correct field during migration period.

    update_one: {
      filter: {
        _id: id
      update: {
        :'$set' => {
          Model::FIELD_SECRET: secret

Known issues

There are some limitations with this gem:

  • When you are doing manual registration with encrypts_field, it won't provide double-write with encrypted fields as it's made for nested fields in embedded document.
  • If you are using Mongoid 7.4.0 up, you will face an error on loading mongoid.yml with this gem as there is a update added to Mongoid::Config::Environment with YAML.safe_load. And there is currently no way to supply custom permitted classes in, consider using this patch and use the schema map as JSON string directly in mongoid.yml




Extension on Mongoid for enhancing the developer experience on the usage of client-side encryption






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