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Exploring new Consensus Calling methods for Pacbio data. Our consensus calling tool (named stonyccs) aims to improve the consensus calling methods used for aligning Pacbio long reads.

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This is a consensus calling tool (named stonyccs) created as part of the CSE 549 - Computational Biology final project at Stony Brook University. It aims to improve the consensus calling methods used to call Pacbio long reads.

(An included report.pdf file details the methods attempted and results observed)


  1. Swaminathan Sivaraman (110951180)

  2. Sriram Sundar (110921718)

  3. Shyam Sundar Chandrasekaran (110815338)

  4. Prasanth Sridhar (110899181)

December 2016, Stony Brook University, New York, USA


The main tool is a python script named that takes as input a Pacbio subreads bam(sorted) file and calls a consensus for each bunch or "well" of reads. It makes use of the included and modules to do the consensus calling.

The tool performs ordering heuristics using STAR or a modified "forward-backward" version of STAR before doing a POA. After doing a POA and generating a graph, the tool can use different scoring and traversal algorithms to generate the consensus string. Both the ordering heuristic and the scoring and traversal algorithms can be changed using command-line options.

The script also needs a scoring matrix. Two popular matrices - blosum62 and blosum80 have been included to be used. (blosum62 is generally preferred for Pacbio data)

One can use the sample_bam.bam file provided in the samples_tests directory to run quick tests of or see the working of the tool.

How To Run:

  1. Execute make

  2. Run 'python' with the required options. Do '--help' for details

  3. To clean, use 'make clean'


  1. This script must be run only on pacbio bam files sorted by queryname (Use 'samtools sort -n' to sort an unsorted .bam file)

  2. We have included Christopher Lee's POA library in this repository to do the actual Partial-Order Alignment. It is included in the 'external' directory (Link -

  3. blasr and pacbio's ccs tools are from PacbioSciences' GitHub repository

External dependencies:

  1. samtools -

  2. pysam python module -


We have performed tests on the new stonyccs tool and compared it with pacbio's ccs(baseline) results. There are two kind of tests run:

  1. Sample well tests:

    Here, we took a single well of reads (total 6 reads) and ran extensive tests using various combinations of stonyccs' algorithms. We mostly used blosum62 and sometimes blosum80 as the scoring matrices. All test results are present in the sample_tests directory. The bam file used is named as sample_bam.bam. Each test case has its own directory named after the test case and inside, there is a consensus.fa file, blasr_report.txt and stonyccs_report.txt, which has the consensus, the mapping details to the reference and the full details of the configuration used respectively. We also ran with two more configurations - no_filters, to not filter the input reads at all, and all_filters, to filter the input reads based on read quality, length etc. As no_filters casesperformed really poorly, most of the testcases are for the all_filters cases and are in the sample_tests/all_filters directory.

NOTE: One can use this sample bam file to perform quick tests on the stonyccs tool.

  1. Full data tests:

    Here, we took the pacbio bam file (from and sorted it by queryname and created a sorted bam file. We then chose the best-performing configurations from the above sample well tests and ran tests for those configurations on this full dataset. All results are filed under full_data_tests. The test case details are saved in a manner similar to the above sample well cases. Additionally, there is a scores.txt file in each test case directory, that contains the list of all match,mismatch,ins,del,sim scores for all consensus strings and the average values for each field.

For both cases, the scores and alignment details for Pacbio's original ccs tool have been included under the baseline directory.

Reference data used for blasr:

Testcase organization:

  1. The sample data test results are in the sample_tests/no_filters/ and sample_tests/all_filters/ directories

  2. The full data test results are in the full_data_tests/ directory

  3. Each test case is present as a directory. The directory names are shorthand names for the ordering algorithm used, the scoring function used and the traversal algorithm used. Finally, it is specified if the blosum62 or blosum80 matrix was used to generate the consensus

  4. Each test case directory has a consensus.fa file, a stonyccs_report.txt file and a blasr_report.txt file. For full_data test cases, there is also a scores.txt file which summarizes multiple scores and gives an average

  5. The original pbccs (Pacbio's ccs with --noPolish flag) results (baseline) are also saved for both sample and full data cases in the sample_tests/baseline/ and the full_data_tests/baseline directories


Exploring new Consensus Calling methods for Pacbio data. Our consensus calling tool (named stonyccs) aims to improve the consensus calling methods used for aligning Pacbio long reads.






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