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Get started with the Bitcoin Lightning⚡ Network the "hard" way 💪


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The following is a reproducible proof of concept to get started with the Bitcoin Lightning Network.
In order to follow this you dont need bitcoins on the main blockchain as we will use the testnet.


This is intended as a local lab to learn the basics of lightning node operations, don't follow this to deploy a node in production!
Also Keep in mind that the utilized Bitcoins hold no intrinsic value, as they pertain to the test blockchain.


The Lightning Network is a decentralized, off-chain scaling solution for blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, most notably designed for Bitcoin.
Introduced to address the scalability limitations of traditional blockchain networks, the Lightning Network enables faster and cheaper transactions by creating a secondary layer atop the primary blockchain.
This layer facilitates rapid and low-cost microtransactions through the establishment of bi-directional payment channels between users.
Nodes, integral components of the Lightning Network, act as participants that facilitate these off-chain transactions.
By conducting most transactions off-chain and only settling the final result on the main blockchain, the Lightning Network enhances the overall efficiency, privacy, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of cryptocurrency transactions, making it a promising solution for widespread adoption and improved usability of Bitcoin.

As is customary in Bitcoin, there exists a tradeoff between user-friendliness and control:
numerous custodial services are available, yet the more management is entrusted to the service provider, the less control we exert over our funds.
Freedom and responsibility are directly proportional.
Optimal control is achieved by running one's own Bitcoin + Lightning node and retaining possession of our private keys.
This tutorial provides a foundational understanding of running a Lightning node to actively participate in the network and facilitate payment transactions.


  • docker
  • desire to learn about ₿itcoin & lightning⚡

Getting started

For this tutorial we will use LND.
LND is one of the most popular implementations of a lightning node, written in the Go programming language.
Pull a specific version of LND container image from dockerhub:

docker pull lightninglabs/lnd:v0.17.3-beta

Now run the container in testnet mode and with neutrino as a backend:

docker run --name lnd-testnet -v /Users/rago/.lnd/:/root/.lnd  lightninglabs/lnd:v0.17.3-beta --bitcoin.testnet --bitcoin.node=neutrino neutrino.feeurl=


Neutrino is a lightweight client-side technology designed to enhance the privacy and efficiency of wallet applications.
Neutrino is an improvement upon traditional SPV, which allows users to verify the inclusion of transactions in the Bitcoin blockchain without downloading the entire blockchain.

The previous command also maps a local volume path (my user home directory) to the .lnd data directory inside our container.
In this way we ensure persistency of our Lightning node and wallet data even when our container stops.

Exec inside the running container and launch the command to create a new wallet via lncli:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli create  

Follow the instructions on the screen to generate a new wallet seed.

Now we need to wait some time as neutrino is starting to sync blocks headers for the Bitcoin testnet chain, this may take up to 1 hour with the current blockchain state.
You can chek che progress by inspecting the container's logs:

docker logs lnd-testnet -f

Or by checking the size of the .lnd folder mounted on our local machine:

cd  ~/.lnd && watch du -sh *

At the current state of the blockchain (December 2023) the size of the data directory needs to reach almos 700 MB before synchronization is completed.


All the following lncli commands will specify a macaroon to use in order to authenticate with our node.
A macaroon is a type of token used for authentication and authorization.
In the realm of distributed systems, macaroons are often used to provide secure access to decentralised APIs or services.

Export an environment variable with the admin macaroon path inside our node's container:

export MACAROON_PATH=/root/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet/admin.macaroon

Generate a testnet Address via lncli:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" newaddress p2wkh

Sample output:

    "address": "tb1q2usfv065frackdpzn9grar0cag8mdg5wyd7q4h"

Now we need to obtain some Bitcoin on the testnet.

Send some testnet bitcoin by leveraging faucet services like coinfaucet, by inserting the previously generated address as the payment recipient.
wait for the stransaction to be validated on the testnet, you can check the progress on mempool:

Now check your lightning wallet balance:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" walletbalance

Sample output:

    "total_balance": "1245885",
    "confirmed_balance": "1245885",
    "unconfirmed_balance": "0",
    "locked_balance": "0",
    "reserved_balance_anchor_chan": "0",
    "account_balance": {
        "default": {
            "confirmed_balance": "1245885",
            "unconfirmed_balance": "0"

As we can see we now have a total balance of 1245885 satoshis!
Now we need to open an outbound channel on the testnet, in order to do so choose a node from 1ml, retrieve it's data and then request channel opening via lncli with these commands:

lncli connect <peer_pubkey>@<peer_address>
lncli openchannel --node_key=<peer_pubkey> --local_amt=<amount_in_satoshis>

so in our specific case, if we choose this node, the commands will be:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" connect 02312627fdf07fbdd7e5ddb136611bdde9b00d26821d14d94891395452f67af248@


docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" openchannel --node_key=02312627fdf07fbdd7e5ddb136611bdde9b00d26821d14d94891395452f67af248 --local_amt=50000

Sample output:

        "funding_txid": "bfbf2b1096d76e78cb81dc4318d0403ef63efef2b783a4ff8cad85ee39c97a33"

Now let's list our channels:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" listchannels

    "channels": []

This may seems strange...we have 0 channels opened.
In reality this is perfectly normal as our channel funding transaction on the blockchain need to wait 3 block confirmations before it is considered settled.
Wait some minutes and retry:

    "channels": [
            "active": true,
            "remote_pubkey": "02312627fdf07fbdd7e5ddb136611bdde9b00d26821d14d94891395452f67af248",
            "channel_point": "bfbf2b1096d76e78cb81dc4318d0403ef63efef2b783a4ff8cad85ee39c97a33:0",
            "chan_id": "2795546796528500736",
            "capacity": "50000",
            "local_balance": "46530",
            "remote_balance": "0",
            "commit_fee": "3140",
            "commit_weight": "772",
            "fee_per_kw": "2500",
            "unsettled_balance": "0",
            "total_satoshis_sent": "0",
            "total_satoshis_received": "0",
            "num_updates": "0",
            "pending_htlcs": [],
            "csv_delay": 144,
            "private": false,
            "initiator": true,
            "chan_status_flags": "ChanStatusDefault",
            "local_chan_reserve_sat": "500",
            "remote_chan_reserve_sat": "500",
            "static_remote_key": false,
            "commitment_type": "ANCHORS",
            "lifetime": "40",
            "uptime": "40",
            "close_address": "",
            "push_amount_sat": "0",
            "thaw_height": 0,
            "local_constraints": {
                "csv_delay": 144,
                "chan_reserve_sat": "500",
                "dust_limit_sat": "354",
                "max_pending_amt_msat": "49500000",
                "min_htlc_msat": "1",
                "max_accepted_htlcs": 483
            "remote_constraints": {
                "csv_delay": 144,
                "chan_reserve_sat": "500",
                "dust_limit_sat": "354",
                "max_pending_amt_msat": "49500000",
                "min_htlc_msat": "1",
                "max_accepted_htlcs": 483
            "alias_scids": [],
            "zero_conf": false,
            "zero_conf_confirmed_scid": "0",
            "peer_alias": " node ALPHA",
            "peer_scid_alias": "0",
            "memo": ""

Now our outbound channel is open and we have sufficient funds to make some transactions!
Go to this e-commerce website, select the product you want, add it to cart and then click "checkout".

You will be presented with an invoice similar to this:

Copy the invoice and pay it via your lightning wallet!

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" payinvoice lntb15u1pjhs4xspp5vjxce36ldeecntev4eqhusm99py89zwmjv42alraxkaj39ws5v2sdpzxysy2umswfjhxum0yppk76twypgxzmnwvyxqrrsscqp79qy9qsqsp59uwdjgu9nlkyh0e99kgpx3uflsnxrrhwrw0kmcjymmf3esrphflqge0x0eme35wcxtqgr05kx84ay0rl9j7qk9jgvl6fw987t4jxulrsqnu4mjl7dnhase7c39l4cxa5g8gsqtvwhry3psdp4zuzl7ghhuqp9qvzyh

Output Sample:

Payment hash: 648d8cc75f6e7389af2cae417e436528487289db932aaefc7d35bb2895d0a315
Description: 1 Espresso Coin Panna
Amount (in satoshis): 1500
Fee limit (in satoshis): 75
Destination: 0348cc1a9479697cd52db445ea74149ad40bb01bb2045a3e8acba21b70f94ab7cf
Confirm payment (yes/no): yes

| HTLC_STATE                          | ATTEMPT_TIME | RESOLVE_TIME | RECEIVER_AMT | FEE   | TIMELOCK | CHAN_OUT            | ROUTE                                                       |
| TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE @ 1st hop |        0.029 |        0.804 | 1500         | 1.749 |  2542794 | 2795546796528500736 | node ALPHA->24hr Drive Thru->endurance->eclair      |
| TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE @ 1st hop |        0.827 |        1.641 | 1500         | 1.764 |  2542834 | 2795546796528500736 | node ALPHA->Towiz_testnet->endurance->eclair        |
| SUCCEEDED                           |        1.665 |        3.258 | 1500         | 1.85  |  2542794 | 2795546796528500736 | node ALPHA->02eb311fca318454d00e->endurance->eclair |
Amount + fee:   1500 + 1.85 sat
Payment hash:   648d8cc75f6e7389af2cae417e436528487289db932aaefc7d35bb2895d0a315
Payment status: SUCCEEDED, preimage: fc510042f72e4dde9ff0566907f52b11473652351b8c591713c8b6bd47e3fc93

We succesfully completed the first payment from our own lightning node and it was hyperfast!

The website also confirm the payment:

Now list your payment via lncli:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" listpayments

Output sample:

    "payments": [
            "payment_hash": "648d8cc75f6e7389af2cae417e436528487289db932aaefc7d35bb2895d0a315",
            "value": "1500",
            "creation_date": "1702385051",
            "fee": "1",
            "payment_preimage": "fc510042f72e4dde9ff0566907f52b11473652351b8c591713c8b6bd47e3fc93",
            "value_sat": "1500",
            "value_msat": "1500000",
            "payment_request": "lntb15u1pjhs4xspp5vjxce36ldeecntev4eqhusm99py89zwmjv42alraxkaj39ws5v2sdpzxysy2umswfjhxum0yppk76twypgxzmnwvyxqrrsscqp79qy9qsqsp59uwdjgu9nlkyh0e99kgpx3uflsnxrrhwrw0kmcjymmf3esrphflqge0x0eme35wcxtqgr05kx84ay0rl9j7qk9jgvl6fw987t4jxulrsqnu4mjl7dnhase7c39l4cxa5g8gsqtvwhry3psdp4zuzl7ghhuqp9qvzyh",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "fee_sat": "1",
            "fee_msat": "1850",
            "creation_time_ns": "1702385051584619534",
            "htlcs": [
                    "attempt_id": "3",
                    "status": "SUCCEEDED",
                    "route": {
                        "total_time_lock": 2542794,
                        "total_fees": "1",
                        "total_amt": "1501",
                        "hops": [
                                "chan_id": "2795546796528500736",
                                "chan_capacity": "50000",
                                "amt_to_forward": "1500",
                                "fee": "1",
                                "expiry": 2542754,
                                "amt_to_forward_msat": "1500849",
                                "fee_msat": "1001",
                                "pub_key": "02312627fdf07fbdd7e5ddb136611bdde9b00d26821d14d94891395452f67af248",
                                "tlv_payload": true,
                                "mpp_record": null,
                                "amp_record": null,
                                "custom_records": {},
                                "metadata": ""
                                "chan_id": "2479405317705302016",
                                "chan_capacity": "0",
                                "amt_to_forward": "1500",
                                "fee": "0",
                                "expiry": 2542714,
                                "amt_to_forward_msat": "1500748",
                                "fee_msat": "101",
                                "pub_key": "02eb311fca318454d00ed19fee12b5fe3bb6058034a1cb0f1e094d2c075ff93ee7",
                                "tlv_payload": true,
                                "mpp_record": null,
                                "amp_record": null,
                                "custom_records": {},
                                "metadata": ""
                                "chan_id": "2467607557938741248",
                                "chan_capacity": "0",
                                "amt_to_forward": "1500",
                                "fee": "0",
                                "expiry": 2542570,
                                "amt_to_forward_msat": "1500000",
                                "fee_msat": "748",
                                "pub_key": "03933884aaf1d6b108397e5efe5c86bcf2d8ca8d2f700eda99db9214fc2712b134",
                                "tlv_payload": true,
                                "mpp_record": null,
                                "amp_record": null,
                                "custom_records": {},
                                "metadata": ""
                                "chan_id": "2656582820430282753",
                                "chan_capacity": "0",
                                "amt_to_forward": "1500",
                                "fee": "0",
                                "expiry": 2542570,
                                "amt_to_forward_msat": "1500000",
                                "fee_msat": "0",
                                "pub_key": "0348cc1a9479697cd52db445ea74149ad40bb01bb2045a3e8acba21b70f94ab7cf",
                                "tlv_payload": true,
                                "mpp_record": {
                                    "payment_addr": "2f1cd923859fec4bbf252d90134789fc26618eee1b9f6de244ded31cc061ba7e",
                                    "total_amt_msat": "1500000"
                                "amp_record": null,
                                "custom_records": {},
                                "metadata": ""
                        "total_fees_msat": "1850",
                        "total_amt_msat": "1501850"
                    "attempt_time_ns": "1702385053250075643",
                    "resolve_time_ns": "1702385054843316633",
                    "failure": null,
                    "preimage": "fc510042f72e4dde9ff0566907f52b11473652351b8c591713c8b6bd47e3fc93"
            "payment_index": "1",
            "failure_reason": "FAILURE_REASON_NONE"
    "first_index_offset": "1",
    "last_index_offset": "1",
    "total_num_payments": "0"


In this tutorial we saw the following:

  • spin up our own lightning node (LND)
  • create a new wallet
  • get some btc on the testnet
  • open a new outbound channel
  • use the channel to buy a product from a website

If you also want to be able to receive payment you need an inbound channel.
The procedure for this is similar in the sense that there are some services that will open channels with you, in exchange for a small fee.

Usually you need to specify your node key in order for other nodes to be able to open channels with you.
You can determine your node pubkey with the following command:

docker exec -it lnd-testnet lncli --macaroonpath="$MACAROON_PATH" getinfo | grep identity_pubkey

Output sample:

"identity_pubkey": "0314751865d1456b5f091d79cd21e647a6ebf445d38b5aac77eb8d902bbbfa8642"