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Shopware PaaS

This repository is deprecated

This approach is deprecated and will be replaced by a Flex PaaS recipe. See docs

This template builds Shopware PaaS using Composer. To get started on PaaS, please visit


  • PHP 8.0
  • MariaDB 10.5
  • Redis 6.0

First deployment

  1. The first time the site is deployed, Shopware's command line installer will run and initialize Shopware. It will not run again unless the installer/installed is removed. (Do not remove that file unless you want the installer to run on the next deploy!)

  2. The installer will create an administrator account with username/password admin/shopware. You need to change this password immediately. Not doing so is a security risk.

  3. As the theme assets are generated in the build hook and cannot be changed in runtime, we need to dump the theme configuration and run a second deployment to have theme assets build. See Stateless Builds section for this


This project is built on the shopware/production repo. All plugins MUST be installed through Composer. The in-browser plugin manager will not work as the disk is read-only.

The following changes have been made relative to a plain Shopware production project. If using this project as a reference for your own existing project, replicate the changes below to your project.

  • The, .platform/services.yaml, and .platform/routes.yaml files have been added. These provide PaaS-specific configuration and are present in all projects on PaaS. You may customize them as you see fit.
  • An additional Composer library, platformsh/symfonyflex-bridge, has been added. It is a bridge library which connects Symfony Flex-based application to PaaS.
  • The platformsh-env.php file will map PaaS environment variables to the enviroment variables expected by Shopware. It is auto-included from composer.json as part of the autoload process.
  • Configuration has been added to use Redis for cache and sessions, see config/packages/framework.yaml
  • config/packages/shopware.yaml has been updated to disable auto update
  • config/packages/shopware.yaml has been updated to disable the admin worker (a message consumer is started instead, see the workers section in

Stateless Builds

This build uses "Building without Database".

To support the stateless build for the theme, the theme-config is checked into git for it being available during the build process (an alternative is to store it on an external object storage).

To update the config

IMPORTANT: You have to run this once after the first install, otherwise the Frontend will not load css/js files correctly.

  • Dump the theme config e.g. via platform ssh -A app 'bin/console theme:dump' (this will generate new config files in files/theme config)
  • Download the the generated theme config via platform mount:download --mount 'files' --target 'files' -A app
  • You can then remove the old files and add the new files to git (git add files/theme-config, git commit -m 'update theme config')
  • Commit and Push for a redeployment (git push)

Optional additions


  1. Add Elasticsearch to .platform/services.yaml
  2. Add a relationship for it in
  3. Follow the steps mentioned in the documentation to prepare your instance. SHOPWARE_ES_HOSTS, SHOPWARE_ES_INDEXING_ENABLED and SHOPWARE_ES_INDEX_PREFIX are set in platformsh-env.php.
  4. If all is good, you can enable via SHOPWARE_ES_ENABLED (either uncomment in platformsh-env.php or add as a variable)


  1. Add RabbitMQ in .platform/services.yaml
  2. Add a relationship for it in
  3. Push to Git (so RabbitMQ is provisioned)
  4. For RabbitMQ to work, you need to manually add a queue named shopware-queue and a messages exchange. To do this you can e.g. use the platform CLI to open a tunnel (ssh -L 15672:rabbitmqqueue.internal:15672 $(platform ssh --pipe -A app)) and open the UI via http://localhost:15672/. You can get the credentials via platform relationships. RABBITMQ_URL is set in platformsh-env.php.
  5. composer require enqueue/amqp-bunny
  6. Uncomment config/packages/enqueue.yaml


  1. Make sure you have at least Shopware
  2. Make sure FASTLY_API_TOKEN and FASTLY_SERVICE_ID are set in the environment or contact Support when its missing.
  3. Enable Fastly config in by removing hashtag before mv config/packages/fastly.yaml.dist config/packages/fastly.yaml
  4. Push the new config and Fastly is enabled



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