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Aarhus University LaTeX Report Template

AU-LaTeX is an unofficial LaTeX template for reports to be submitted to Aarhus University. While the template follows Aarhus University branding guidelines and colour schemes closely, it is not an official template and it is created "by a student, for students".


  • Follows the AU colour scheme for text and listings
  • Automatically generated title page, header and footer based on given parameters (report title, course name, etc.)
  • Complementary matching MATLAB and matplotlib schemes


Title page example

Title page

Section example



Clone the repository in a new folder:

git clone

(Optional) Remove the example assets using the provided script (requires PowerShell):

cd au-latex

Open au-report.tex and fill out the variables section:

%% ----------- BEGIN VARIABLES ----------- %%

% Set course name
\newcommand{\aucoursename}{Course Name}

Type your contents in :

%% ----------- BEGIN CONTENT ----------- %%


Exchange the default titlepage header image with your titlepage header image under assets/graphics/titlepage.jpg

Including assets

Including graphics

By default, the relative path for graphics elements refers to subfolder ./assets/graphics. If you prefer a different path, edit preamble.tex as follows:

% Set root path for graphics assets

Including listings

By default, the relative path for listings refers to subfolder ./assets/listings. If you prefer a different path, edit preamble.tex as follows:

% Set root path for listings assets

Plot styles

MATLAB plot styles

If you would like to include MATLAB figures with matching style, a MATLAB script setting MATLAB default figure and plotting settings is provided. Simply add the script to the root of your MATLAB path and add the following to your MATLAB script:

au = auColorScheme()

The script changes the default MATLAB plot settings for the current session and returns a structure. You may access any colour from the AU colour scheme by simply referencing it by its name as follows:


ans =

         0    0.1451    0.2745

matplotlib plot styles

If you would like to include matplotlib figures with matching styles, a matplotlibrc file is included. Copy it to the root of your Python application to generate plots matching the AU color scheme.

If you would only like to use AU style for a certain plot, you may also load the included style file au.mplstyle on demand as follows:

# Set plot style to Aarhus University template'<path-to-mplstyle>/au.mplstyle')

Showing console output

In addition to a default style to pretty print code following the AU color scheme using package lstlisting, you may also add similarly formatted console output (such as the output from a Jupyter notebook cell) as follows:

\begin{lstlisting}[style = console-output]

You may also higlight part of your console output using delimiters (STARTRC, ENDRC), (STARTBC, ENDBC) and (STARTGC, ENDGC) in your code snippet to higlight output in red, blue and green respectively.

\begin{lstlisting}[style = console-output]


The template was tested with pdfTeX on Microsoft Windows 10 running MiKTeX distribution v21.2.


This code is released under GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0.