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Simple healthcheck library for akka-http Build Status

This library contains a simple health check implementation with corresponding route for akka http.

Health check is a function that returns cats ValidatedNel[String, Unit]. Invalid value should contain reason why healthcheck failed.

You can add it to your build by including these lines in your sbt file:

    resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("timeoutdigital","releases")
    libraryDependencies += "com.timeout" %% "akka-http-healthchecks" % "2.0.0"

Here are some examples how to use it:

import com.timeout.healthchecks._
import cats.syntax.validated._

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Random

val simpleHealthCheck = healthCheck("luck") {
  if (Random.nextBoolean()) healthy else "Unlucky!".invalidNel

val simpleCheckThatReturnsAsyncResult = asyncHealthCheck("eventually lucky") {
  Future {
    if (Random.nextBoolean()) healthy else "Unlucky!".invalidNel

val pingCheck ="", 80)
val pingCheckFromUrl = HealthChecks.pingUrl("")

Library also contains a simple akka-http route that executes health checks and returns a page with status in json format.

Here's an example

val pingGoogle ="", 80)
val pingFacebook ="", 80)

val healthRoute =, pingFacebook)
Http().bindAndHandle(healthRoute, "", 80)


MIT License for akka-http-healthchecks code. Scala License for the generated sys code.