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Helps you write marble tests


$ npm install --save-dev marble-test

Example usage

import { createRxTestScheduler } from 'marble-test'

const mapToNumber$ = string$ => string$.pipe(map(s => Number(s)))

test('map to number', () => {
  // Arrange
  const scheduler = createRxTestScheduler()
  const values = { a: '1', b: '2', 1: 1, 2: 2 }
  const input = 'a--b|'
  const output = '1--2|'
  const strings$ = scheduler.createColdObservable(input, values)

  // Act
  const obs = mapToNumber$(strings$)

  // Assert
  scheduler.expectObservable(obs).toBe(output, values)

With jest

import { marble } from 'marble-test/jest'

const mapToNumber$ = string$ => string$.pipe(map(s => Number(s)))

marble('map to number', m => {
  // Arrange
  const values = { a: '1', b: '2', 1: 1, 2: 2 }
  const input = 'a--b|'
  const output = '1--2|'
  const strings$ = m.cold(input, values)

  // Act
  const obs = mapToNumber$(strings$)

  // Assert
  m.expectObservable(obs).toBe(output, values)

See the test file for more examples

Gives detailed outputs on assert failure. e.g., You will get the following output when changing output above to a--2|



Returns a TestScheduler (

See for more info