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What is this?

This is a work-in-progress parser generator: a framework for generating parsers from a grammar definition. It takes inspiration from Nearley and other projects.

A parser is used to turn text (such as the source code for a programming language) into a parse tree. This tree-like structure contains all of the hierarchy of the source code, and is classically the input to a compiler which traverses the tree to emit machine code (at a rough simplification. Most production compilers use several different intermediate tree formats.)

A parser is usually used with a tokenizer (or "lexer"). The tokenizer does the "dumb" job of splitting the text into "words", called "tokens"; the parser does the "smart" job of recognising sequences of such tokens. We recommend Moo as a very fast and friendly tokenizer.

So, as far as this project is concerned: a Parser turns a stream of Tokens into a tree of Nodes.

To construct a Parser, you create a Grammar, and then pick a parsing algorithm to use.

Parse trees

The grammar/node file contains types for representing a parse tree. These are loosely modelled on the Node objects in the ESTree spec, which is based on a production JavaScript parser.

interface Node {
    type: string;
    region: Region | null;

Parse trees are made up of Nodes. Grammars include annotations describing how to build a parse tree from them, which lets you conveniently omit syntactic information (such as whitespace, or operator tokens) from your parse tree, without writing any grammar rule post-processors or tree traversal code.

A Node includes a Region, which describes the location in the source file where the node was found. This is very useful for generating descriptive semantic error messages from your compiler: for example, you might like to highlight the region in which a type error was found.

interface Region {
    start: Pos,
    end: Pos,
    buffer: String,

A Region consists of a start position (just before the first character that was matched) and an end position (just after the last character that was matched). It also includes a pointer to the entire source text.

A Pos is a simple pair of line and column numbers. Like Moo, these start from one. The character offset from the beginning of the source is also included.

interface Pos {
    line: Number, // >= 1
    col: Number, // >= 1
    offset: Number,

A Node additionally includes attributes, based on the annotations in the source file. Attribute values have three different kinds:

  • another Node
  • the value of token
  • an Array (a list of Nodes, or token values)

Grammar definitions

Grammars are defined using a custom syntax, from which a parser can be generated.

(You might wonder how this syntax is defined itself: in fact, it has its own grammar, and can parse itself! We call this "bootstrapping".)

The grammar module contains code to interpret this syntax.

TODO explain atoms: what does "if" match?


By default, rules will match input, but won't return anything. Annotations are used to describe how to construct a parse tree from what was matched. Rules without annotations always produce the value null.

if_stmt -> "if" expr "then" block
// null

Rules can be annotated with a node type. Any number of children may then be annotated with an attribute name. For example, this rule will produce a node of type IfStatement, with attributes cond and body.

if_stmt IfStatement -> "if" cond:expr "then" body:block
// {type: "IfStatement", cond: ..., body: ...}

You cannot annotate children if the rule is not annotated first. Otherwise, there is no node to attach the attributes to.

if_stmt -> "if" cond:expr "then" body:block
// Not allowed

Root Annotation

It's often useful to pass through a node unchanged, without wrapping it in another object. For example, you might have a number rule that can match a float. We can use the root annotation (which can be thought of as an empty attribute name). Use this to pass through the child unchanged.

float_literal Literal -> value:"float"
// {type: "Literal", value: 3.14}

number -> float_literal
// null

number -> :float_literal
// {type: "Literal", value: 3.14}

Parentheses are another good example. You must define a syntax rule for brackets -- otherwise they couldn't be parsed! -- but usually you don't want them to appear in the final parse tree.

x -> "(" :x ")"

The root annotation can only be applied to a single child of a rule.

foo -> :bar :quxx
// Not allowed

The root annotation cannot be combined with other annotations.

foo Object -> :bar
// Not allowed

num Object -> :expr "+" other:expr
// Not allowed

List Annotations

It's often useful to parse lists (e.g. statements in a program; comma-separated arguments to a function call).

You could define lists yourself, by inventing a node type for linked lists.

// A program must have at least one statement.
program StatementList -> head:statement

// A program is a statement followed by the rest of the program.
program StatementList -> head:statement tail:program

Each node in the linked list will have the type StatementList.

The rule above is right-recursive; we prefer left-recursive rules. In addition, there is a special built-in list type [], to avoid you working with linked lists yourself.

The last item in the list is annotated as the root attribute. The special list attribute [] is used for the rest of the list.

// A program must have at least one statement.
program [] -> :statement

// A program ends with a statement.
program [] -> []:program :statement

The rule must be annotated with the special list type []. One of the children may then be annotated as the root attribute; another child may then additionally be annotated with the list attribute.

You cannot have a list just contain itself; and as above, the root annotation can only be applied to a single child of a rule.

program [] -> []:program
// Not allowed

program [] -> []:program :statement :statement
// Not allowed

Apart from these restrictions, you can use these annotations anywhere in the rule.

// Body is one or more lines separated by semicolons
body [] -> :statement
body [] -> []:body ";" :statement

// Arguments are zero or more expressions separated by commas
args [] -> 
args [] -> []:args ";" :expr

EBNF Operators

Three regex-like operators for optional tokens and repetition are provided:

Option ?

val? matches zero or one occurences of val. It expands to the generated rule val?:

val? -> :val
val? ->

In the expression key:val?, if val is not present, then key will be null.

One or many +

val+ matches one or many occurences of val. It expands to the generated rule val+:

val+ [] -> []:val+ :val
val+ [] -> :val

In the expression key:val+, key will always contain a non-empty array.

Zero or many *

val* matches zero or many occurences of val. It expands to the generated rule val*:

val* [] -> []:val* :val
val* [] ->

In the expression key:val*, key will always contain an array, but it may be empty.


There may be various parsing algorithms implemented. Initially there is a proof-of-concept parser which uses Nearley's implementation of the Earley algorithm.

This project doesn't have a name yet, so the example below calls it foo. Using a parser will look something like this:

const moo = require('moo')
const grammar = require('foo') // import the core library
const compileNearley = require('foo/compile-nearley') // import the Earley algorithm

// Get our tokenizer ready
const lexer = moo.compile(...)

// Define our Grammar
const myGrammar = foo.grammar(`
  program -> :expr+

  expr Quote -> "'" list:List
  expr List -> "(" items:expr+ ")"
  expr Atom -> name:"identifier"
  expr Literal -> value:"number"
  expr Literal -> value:"string"

// Construct a Parser from our Grammar, using the Earley algorithm
const parser = compileNearley(myGrammar)

// Begin a new Parse

// Tokenize the source code

for (let tok of lexer) {
  // Feed each token to the parser
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error(lexer.formatError("syntax error: " + err.message))

// Get the final parse tree
const parseTree
try {
  parseTree = parser.result()
} catch (err) {
  throw new Error(lexer.formatError("unexpected EOF: " + err.message))


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