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Configurable captive page for public/private WiFi services providing login, sign up, social login, SMS verification, change password, reset password, change phone number and more.


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verify mobile phone number

No more ugly and fragmented User Experience for public/private WiFi services!

OpenWISP WiFi login pages provides unified and consistent user experience for public/private WiFi services.

In short, this app replaces the classic captive/login page of a WiFi service by integrating the OpenWISP Radius API to provide the following features:

  • Mobile first design (responsive UI)
  • Sign up
  • Optional support for mobile phone verification: verify phone number by inserting token sent via SMS, resend the SMS token
  • Login to the wifi service (by getting a radius user token from OpenWISP Radius and sending a POST to the captive portal login URL behind the scenes)
  • Session status information
  • Logout from the wifi service (by sending a POST to the captive portal logout URL behind the scenes)
  • Change password
  • Reset password (password forgot)
  • Support for Social Login and SAML
  • Optional social login buttons (facebook, google, twitter)
  • Contact box allowing to show the support email and/or phone number, as well as additional links specified via configuration
  • Navigation menu (header and footer) with possibility of specifying if links should be shown to every user or only authenticated or unauthenticated users
  • Support for multiple organizations with possibility of customizing the theme via CSS for each organization
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Possibility to change any text used in the pages
  • Configurable Terms of Services and Privacy Policy for each organization
  • Possibility of recognizing users thanks to signed cookies, which saves them from having to re-authenticate
  • Support for credit/debit card verification and paid subscription plans

Table of contents

Deploy it in production

An ansible role which can be used to deploy and maintain this app is available, see ansible-openwisp-wifi-login-pages.


  • NodeJs >= 12.0.0
  • NPM - Node package manager >= 6.9.0
  • yarn - Yarn package manager >= 1.19.0


Install openwisp-radius

This module is a frontend for OpenWISP RADIUS.

So in order to use it, this app needs a running instance of OpenWISP RADIUS and an organization correctly configured, you can obtain this by following these steps:

  • Follow the instructions to install OpenWISP RADIUS for development.
  • After successfully starting the OpenWISP RADIUS server, open a browser and visit: http://localhost:8000/admin/, then sign in with the credentials of the superuser we created during the installation of openwisp-radius.
  • Visit the change page of the organization you want to add to this module and note down the following parameters: name, slug, uuid and token (from the Organization RADIUS Settings).

Clone this repo

In a new terminal, clone this repo with:

git clone
cd openwisp-wifi-login-pages
Install dependencies

With NodeJs and yarn installed on your system, install the dependencies with:


To verify all the dependencies were successfully installed, try to run the tests with the following command:

yarn test # headless tests
Browser based tests

Prerequisites for running browser-based tests:

  1. Gecko driver needs to be installed.
  2. Having running instances of openwisp-radius and openwisp-wifi-login-pages is required.
  3. OPENWIPS_RADIUS_PATH environment variable is needed to setup/tear down the database data needed to run the browser tests. This can be set using the following command:
  4. If a virtual environment is used to run openwisp-radius then this needs to be activated before running browser tests.
  5. Configuration file of mobile organization is needed before running yarn start. mobile organization can be created by running:
    node browser-test/create-mobile-configuration.js
  6. In the test environment of openwisp-radius, the default organization must be present.

After doing all the prerequisites, run browser based tests using the following command:

yarn browser-test


Add Organization configuration

Before users can login and sign up, you need to create the configuration of the captive page for the related OpenWISP organization, you should have noted down the parameters performed during the Installation of OpenWISP RADIUS , then you can run:

yarn add-org

This command will present a series of interactive questions which make it easier for users to configure the application for their use case.

Once all the questions are answered, the script will create a new directory, eg:


The directory client_assets shall contain static files like CSS, images, etc.

The directory server_assets is used for loading the content of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

The configuration of organizations is generated from the template present in /internals/generators/config.yml.hbs.

The default configuration is stored at /internals/config/default.yml. If the configuration file of a specific organization misses a piece of configuration then the default configuration is used to generate a complete configuration.

The above command will prompt you to fill in some properties.

Below is a table with these properties and a description of their values.

Property Description
name Required. Name of the organization.
slug Required. Slug of the organization.
uuid Required. UUID of the organization.
secret_key Required. Token from organization radius settings.
captive portal login URL Required. Captive portal login action url
captive portal logout URL Required. Captive portal logout action url
openwisp radius url Required. URL to openwisp-radius.

Chose to copy the assets, then run:

yarn setup
yarn start

Note: in a development environment where a captive portal may not be available, you can use the default sample captive portal login and logout URLs.

Removing sections of configuration

To remove a specific section of the configuration, the null keyword can be used, this way the specific section flagged as null will be removed during the build process.

For example, to remove social login links:

    links: null

Note: Do not delete or edit default configuration (/internals/config/default.yml) as it is required to build and compile organization configurations.

Variants of the same configuration

In some cases it may be needed to have different variants of the same design but with different logos, or slightly different colors, wording and so on, but all these variants would be tied to the same service.

In this case it's possible to create new YAML configuration files (eg: variant1.yml, variant2.yml) in the directory /organizations/{orgSlug}/, and specify only the configuration keys which differ from the parent configuration.

Example variant of the default organization:

name: "Variant1"
        url: "variant1-logo.svg"
        alternate_text: "variant1"

The configuration above has very little differences with the parent configuration: the name and logo are different, the rest is inherited from the parent organization.

Following example, the contents above should be placed in /organizations/default/variant1.yml and once the server is started again this new variant will be visible at http://localhost:8080/default-variant1.

It's possible to create multiple variants of different organizations, by making sure default is replaced with the actual organization slug that is being used.

And of course it's possible to customize more than just the name and logo, the example above has been kept short for brevity.

Note: if a variant defines a configuration option which contains an array/list of objects (eg: menu links), the array/list defined in the variant always overwrites fully what is defined in the parent configuration file.

Variant with different organization slug / UUID / secret

In some cases, different organizations may share an identical configuration, with very minor differences. Variants can be used also in these cases to minimize maintenance efforts.

The important thing to keep in mind is that the organization slug, uuid, secret_key need to be reset in the configuration file:


name: "<organization_name>"
slug: "<organization_slug>"
  uuid: "<organization_uuid>"
  secret_key: "<organization_secret_key>"
    - "index.css"
    - "<org-css-if-needed>"
        url: "org-logo.svg"
        alternate_text: "..."


List of yarn commands:

$ yarn start         # Run the app (runs both, client and server)
$ yarn setup         # Discover Organization configs and generate config.json and asset directories
$ yarn add-org       # Add new Organization configuration
$ yarn build         # Build the app
$ yarn server        # Run server
$ yarn client        # Run client
$ yarn coveralls     # Run coveralls
$ yarn coverage      # Run tests and generate coverage files
$ yarn lint          # Run ESLint
$ yarn lint:fix      # Run ESLint with automatically fix problems option
$ yarn format        # Run formatters to format the code
$ yarn test          # Run tests
$ yarn browser-test  # Run browser based selenium tests
$ yarn -- -u         # Update Jest Snapshots

Using custom ports

To start the client and/or server on a port of your liking, you must set environment variables before starting.

To run the client on port 4000 and the server on port 5000, use the following command:

Bash (Linux):

$ CLIENT=4000 SERVER=5000 yarn start

Powershell (Windows):

PS> $env:CLIENT = 4000; $env:SERVER = 5000; yarn start

You can also run the client and server commands separately:

Bash (Linux):

$ SERVER=5000 yarn server
$ CLIENT=4000 SERVER=5000 yarn client

Powershell (Windows):

PS> $env:SERVER = 5000; yarn server
PS> $env:CLIENT = 4000; $env:SERVER = 5000; yarn client

Note that you need to tell the client the server's port (unless you're using the default server port, which is 3030) so the client knows where he can find the server.

Running webpack-bundle-analyzer

This tool helps to keep the size of the JS files produced by the app in check.

Run it with:

yarn stats


Menu items

By default, menu items are visible to any user, but it's possible to configure some items to be visible only to authenticated users, unauthenticated users, verified users, unverified users or users registered with specific registration methods by specifying the authenticated, verified, methods_only and methods_excluded properties.

  • authenticated: true means visible only to authenticated users.
  • authenticated: false means visible only to unauthenticated users.
  • verified: true means visible to authenticated and verified users.
  • verified: false means visible to only authenticated and unverified users.
  • methods_only: ["mobile_phone"] means visible only to users registered with mobile phone verification.
  • methods_excluded: ["saml", "social_login"] means not visible to users which sign in using SAML and social login.
  • unspecified: link will be visible to any user (default behavior)

Let us consider the following configuration for the header, footer and contact components:

      - text:
          en: "about"
        url: "/about"
      - text:
          en: "sign up"
        url: "/default/registration"
        authenticated: false
      - text:
          en: "change password"
        url: "/change-password"
        authenticated: true
        # if organization supports any verification method
        verified: true
          - saml
          - social_login
      # if organization supports mobile verification
      - text:
          en: "change phone number"
        url: "/mobile/change-phone-number"
        authenticated: true
          - mobile_phone
      - text:
          en: "about"
        url: "/about"
      - text:
          en: "status"
        url: "/status"
        authenticated: true
      - text:
          en: "support"
        url: "/support"
      - text:
          en: "twitter"
        url: ""
        authenticated: true

With the configuration above:

  • support (from Contact) and about (from Header and Footer) links will be visible to any user.
  • sign up (from Header) link will be visible to only unauthenticated users.
  • the link to twitter (from Contact) and change password (from Header) links will be visible to only authenticated users
  • change password will not be visible to users which sign in with social login or signle sign-on (SAML)
  • change mobile phone number will only be visible to users which have signed up with mobile phone verification


  • methods_only and methods_excluded only make sense for links which are visible to authenticated users
  • using both methods_excluded and methods_only on the same link does not make sense

User Fields in Registration Form

The setting attribute of the fields first_name, last_name, location and birth_date can be used to indicate whether the fields shall be disabled (the default setting), allowed but not required or required.

The setting option can take any of the following values:

  • disabled: (the default value) fields with this setting won't be shown.
  • allowed: fields with this setting are shown but not required.
  • mandatory: fields with this setting are shown and required.

Keep in mind that this configuration must mirror the configuration of openwisp-radius (OPENWISP_RADIUS_OPTIONAL_REGISTRATION_FIELDS).

Username field in login form

The username field in the login form is automatically set to either a phone number input or an email text input depending on whether mobile_phone_verification is enabled or not.

However, it is possible to force the use of a standard text field if needed, for example, we may need to configure the username field to accept any value so that the OpenWISP Users Authentication Backend can then figure out if the value passed is a phone number, an email or a username:

      auto_switch_phone_input: false
      type: "text"
      pattern: null

Configuring Social Login

In order to enable users to log via third-party services like Google and Facebook, the "Social Login" feature of OpenWISP Radius must be configured and enabled.

Custom CSS files

It's possible to specify multiple CSS files if needed.

    - "index.css"
    - "custom.css"

Adding multiple CSS files can be useful when working with variants.

Custom HTML

It is possible to inject custom HTML in different languages in several parts of the application if needed.

Second logo
    url: "logo1.png"
    alternate_text: "logo1"
    url: "logo2.png"
    alternate_text: "logo2"

Sticky message

    en: >
      <p class="announcement">
        This site will go in schedule maintenance
        <b>tonight (10pm - 11pm)</b>
Login page
    en: >
      <div class="pre">
        Shown before the main content in the login page.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown at the beginning of the login content box.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown above the login form, after social login buttons.
        Can be used to write custom help labels.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown at the end of the login content box.
Contact box
    en: >
      <div class="contact">
        Shown at the beginning of the contact box.
    en: >
      <div class="contact">
        Shown at the end of the contact box.
    en: >
      <div class="contact">
        Shown at the bottom of the footer.
        Can be used to display copyright information, links to cookie policy, etc.

Configuring SAML Login & Logout

To enable SAML login, the "SAML" feature of OpenWISP Radius must be enabled.

The only additional configuration needed is saml_logout_url, which is needed to perform SAML logout.

  # other conf
  saml_logout_url: ""

TOS & Privacy Policy

The terms of services and privacy policy pages are generated from markdown files which are specified in the YAML configuration.

The markdown files specified in the YAML configuration should be placed in: /configurations/{orgSlug}/server_assets/.

Configuring Logging

There are certain environment variables used to configure server logging. The details of environment variables to configure logging are mentioned below:

Environment Variable Detail
LOG_LEVEL (optional) This can be used to set the level of logging. The available values are error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug and silly. By default log level is set to debug during development and warn during production.
ALL_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for all logs. The default path is logs/all.log
ERROR_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for error logs. The default path is logs/error.log
WARN_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for warn logs. The default path is logs/warn.log
INFO_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for info logs. The default path is logs/info.log
HTTP_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for http logs. The default path is logs/http.log
DEBUG_LOG_FILE (optional) To configure the path of the log file for http logs. The default path is logs/debug.log

All the HTTP requests get logged by default in the console during development.

Mocking captive portal login and logout

The captive portal login and logout operations can be mocked by using the endpoints mentioned in openwisp-radius captive portal mock docs.

These URLs from OpenWISP RADIUS will be used by default in the development environment. The captive portal login and logout URLs and their parameters can be changed by editing the YAML configuration file of the respective organization.

Signup with payment flow

This application supports sign up with payment flows, either a one time payment, a free debit/credit card transaction for identity verification purposes or a subscription with periodic payments.

In order to work, this feature needs the premium OpenWISP Subscriptions module (get in touch with commercial support for more information).

Once the module mentioned above is installed and configured, in order to enable this feature, just create a new organization with the yarn run add-org command and answer yes to the following question:

Are you using OpenWISP Subscriptions to provide paid subscriptions for WiFi plans or identity verification via credit/debit card?


Translations are loaded at runtime from the JSON files that were compiled during the build process according to the available languages defined and taking into account any customization of the translations (more on defining-available-languages, add translations and customizing translations).

Defining available languages

If there is more than one language in i18n/ directory then update the organization configuration file by adding the support for that language like this:

default_language: "en"
  - text: "English"
    slug: "en"
  - text: "Italian"
    slug: "it"

Add translations

Translation file with content headers can be created by running:

yarn translations-add {language_code} i18n/{file_name}.po

Here file_name can be {orgSlug}_{language_code}.custom.po, {language_code}.custom.po\ or {language_code}.po.

The files created with the command above are mostly empty because when adding custom translations it is not needed to extract all the message identifiers from the code.

If instead you are adding support to a new language or updating the translations after having changed the code, you will need to extract the message identifiers, see update-translations for more information.

Update translations

To extract or update translations in the .po file, use the following command:

yarn translations-update <path-to-po-file>

This will extract all the translations tags from the code and update .po file passed as argument.

Customizing translations for a specific language

Create a translation file with name {language_code}.custom.po by running: yarn translations-add <language-code> i18n/{language_code}.custom.po

Now to override the translation placeholders (msgid) add the msgstr in the newly generated file for that specific msgid:

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals = 2; plural = (n != 1);\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgstr "Forgot password? Reset password"

During the build process customized language files will override all the msgid defined in the default language files.

NOTE: The custom files need not be duplicates of the default file i.e. translations can be defined for custom strings (i.e. msgid and msgstr).

Customizing translations for a specific organization and language

Create a translation file with name {orgSlug}_{language_code}.custom.po by running: yarn translations-add <language-code> i18n/{orgSlug}_{language_code}.custom.po

To override the translation placeholders (msgid) add the msgstr in the newly generated file for that specific msgid:

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals = 2; plural = (n != 1);\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "PHONE_LBL"
msgstr "mobile phone number (verification needed)"

During the build process custom organization language file will be used to create a JSON translation file used by that specific organization.

Note: Do not remove the content headers from the .po files as it is needed during the build process.

Handling Captive Portal / RADIUS Errors

This app can handle errors that may encountered during the authentication process (eg: maximum available daily/monthly time or bandwidth have been consumed).

To use this feature, you will have to update the error page of your captive portal to use postMessage for forwarding any error message to OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages.

Here is an example of authentication error page for pfSense:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        {type: "authError", message: "$PORTAL_MESSAGE$"},

Note: Replace with origin of your OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages service.

With the right configuration, the error messages coming from freeradius or the captive portal will be visible to users on OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages.

Supporting realms (RADIUS proxy)

To enable support for realms, set radius_realms to true as in the example below:

name: "default name"
slug: "default"

  radius_realms: true

When support for radius_realms is true and the username inserted in the username field by the user includes an @ sign, the login page will submit the credentials directly to the URL specified in captive_portal_login_form, hence bypassing this app altogether.

Keep in mind that in this use case, since users are basically authenticating against databases stored in other sources foreign to OpenWISP but trusted by the RADIUS configuration, the wifi-login-pages app stops making any sense, because users are registered elsewhere, do not have a local account on OpenWISP, therefore won't be able to authenticate nor change their personal details via the OpenWISP RADIUS API and this app.

Allowing users to manage account from the Internet

The authentication flow might hang if a user tries to access their account from the public internet (without connecting to the WiFi service). It occurs because the OpenWISP WiFi Login Page waits for a response from the captive portal, which is usually inaccessible from the public internet. If your infrastructure has such a configuration then, follow the below instructions to avoid hanging of authentication flow.

Create a small web application which can serve the endpoints entered in captive_portal_login_form.action and captive_portal_logout_form.action of organization configuration.

The web application should serve the following HTML on those endpoints:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        {type: "internet-mode"},

Note: Replace with origin of your OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages service.

Assign a dedicated DNS name to be used by both systems: the captive portal and the web application which simulates it. Then configure your captive portal to resolve this DNS name to its IP, while the public DNS resolution should point to the mock app just created. This way captive portal login and logout requests will not hang, allowing users to view/modify their account data also from the public internet.

Loading extra javascript files

It is possible to load extra javascript files, which may be needed for different reasons like error monitoring (Sentry), analytics (Piwik, Google analytics), etc.

It's possible to accomplish this in two ways which are explained below.

1. Loading extra javascript files for whole application (all organizations)

Place the javascript files in organizations/js directory and it will be injected in HTML during the webpack build process for all the organizations.

These scripts are loaded before all the other Javascript code is loaded. This is done on purpose to ensure that any error monitoring code is loaded before everything else.

This feature should be used only for critical custom Javascript code.

2. Loading extra javascript files for a specific organization

Add the names of the extra javascript files in organization configuration. Example:

    - "piwik-script.js"
    - "google-analytics.js"

Make sure that all these extra javascript files are be present in the organizations/<org-slug>/client_assets directory.

These scripts are loaded only after the rest of the page has finished loading.

This feature can be used to load non-critical custom Javascript code.

Support for old browsers

Polyfills are used to support old browsers on different platforms. It is recommended to add to the allowed hostnames (walled garden) of the captive portal, otherwise the application will not be able to load in old browsers.

Configuring Sentry for proxy server

You can enable sentry logging for the proxy server by adding sentry-env.json in the root folder. The sentry-env.json file should contain configuration as following:

  "sentryTransportLogger": {
    // These options are passed to sentry SDK. Read more about available
    // options at
    "sentry": {
      "dsn": ""
    // Following options are related to Winston's SentryTransport. You can read
    // more at
    "level": "warn",
    "levelsMap": {
      "silly": "debug",
      "verbose": "debug",
      "info": "info",
      "debug": "debug",
      "warn": "warning",
      "error": "error"

Note: You can take reference from sentry-env.sample.json




Configurable captive page for public/private WiFi services providing login, sign up, social login, SMS verification, change password, reset password, change phone number and more.







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  • JavaScript 94.7%
  • CSS 3.0%
  • Handlebars 1.1%
  • Other 1.2%