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Extensions to the JavaScript standard library for Node.js and browser.

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Extensions to the JavaScript standard library for Node.js and browser (the browser support is in untested state since the library transition to ES6, but probably still works).

Most notably this module provides better OOP support with classes, inheritance, mixins and interfaces with no runtime overhead, staying as close as possible to the native JS syntax.

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Copies references of properties from another object to this one.

) : this;


Copies references of properties from another object to this one recursively. If a property of this object that is not an Object is found in the object to be merged with, the property will be replaced.

) : this;


Creates object with duplicates of the properties of this object. This function works recursively and will call .duplicate() for the properties that implement this function. Objects of custom classes will not be duplicated but passed as reference.

.duplicate() : Object;


Filters out all properties out of obj for which the callback is not true. This function will modify the object in place. While this behaviour is inconsistent with Array.filter(), it is necessary for the function to be able to work on any object without knowledge how to construct a new instance of the object's class and copy its properties.

	callback:function( value:any, key:String, object:Object ),
) : obj;


Experimental. Checks if the object is instanceof certain class. This function first tries to use the instanceof operator, and if it fails, it checks the list of implemented interfaces. Therefore this function has performnace overhead over the instanceof operator. See .implement(), .mixin() and Quick OOP example.

) : Boolean;


Checks if the argument is strictly an Object and not a subclass of Object.

) : Boolean;


Creates a new object passing a list of arguments to the constructor. Credits

This is equivalent to Function.apply() but for new. So one can invoke new on some class with array list of arguments, e.g.:

// this
Object.newArgs( Array, [ 1, 2 ] );
// is equivalent to this
new Array( 1, 2 );
) : Object;


Retrieves the values of all own properties of an object.

) : String[];


get/set .last

Retrieves or sets the last element of the array. Returns undefined if attempting to get the last element of zero-length array.


var arr = [ 1, 2 ];
if ( arr.last === 2 ) {
	arr.last = 3;
	// now the array is [ 1, 3 ]


Creates array with duplicates of the items of this array. This function works recursively and will call .duplicate() for the items that implement this function.

.duplicate() : Array;


This is alias for .concat().


Returns a new array containing a unique set of the elements of the array. Meaning if some element appears twice it will be present only once in the resulting array. Items are compared with ===.

) : Boolean;


Checks if the array contains specific value. Uses .indexOf() internally.

) : Boolean;


Checks if the array contains specific value, possibly with comparison callback.

	value:any|function( item:any, index:Number, array:Array )
) : Boolean;


Searches the array for an element. This is analogous to .indexOf(), except that if the value to search for is a Function it will be used as comparison callback.

	value:any|function( item:any, index:Number, array:Array ):Boolean
) : Boolean;


Searches the array for an element backwards. This is analogous to .lastIndexOf(), except that if the value to search for is a Function it will be used as comparison callback.

	value:any|function( item:any, index:Number, array:Array ):Boolean
) : Boolean;



Defines properties in the prototype of the function. Each property will be added using Object.defineProperty(). The defined properties will be writeable and non-enumerable.

This function was meant for ES5 OOP syntax candy. It should not be used with ES6 since ES6 has native class syntax.

) : this;


function MyClass () {
	this._something = null;

MyClass.define( {
	getSomething: function () {
		return this._something;

	setSomething: function ( value ) {
		return this._something = value;
} );

var my = new MyClass();
my.setSomething( 5 );
if ( my.getSomething() === 5 ) {
	// true


Will make function's prototype to inherit from given parent's prototype and optionally define some methods.

This function was meant for ES5 OOP syntax candy. It should not be used with ES6 since ES6 has native class syntax.

) : this;


class MyClass3 {
	consturctor () {
		this._something = null;

	setSomethin ( value ) {
		return this._something = value;

function MyClass2 () {


MyClass2.extend( MyClass3 );

function MyClass () {


MyClass.extend( MyClass2, {
	getSomething: function () {
		return this._something;
} );

var my = new MyClass();
my.setSomething( 5 );
if ( my.getSomething() === 5 ) {
	// true


Defines properties in the the function object itself. Each property will be added using Object.defineProperty(). The defined properties will be writeable and non-enumerable.

This function was meant for ES5 OOP syntax candy. ES6 has native syntax for static methods, but not for static properties.

) : this;


function MyClass1 () {


class MyClass2 {


MyClass1.static( {
	Something: 1
} );

MyClass2.static( {
	Something: 2
} );

if ( MyClass1.Something == MyClass2.Something ) {
	// false


Enforces that a class implements certain interface(s) and throws an Error if it does not. This function also makes it possible to use Object.instanceof() to check if an object implements an interfaces. .implement() itself doesn't have runtime overhead - the implementation check is done only once when the class defined, but Object.instanceof() could not possibly outperform the instanceof operator.

Interface in this case is a class (or a function prototype in ES5 terms) or just an object with properties. The properties of the object or the methods in the prototype will be checked against the methods of the class that is supposed to implement them.

) : this;


function ILeggedEarthling () {

ILeggedEarthling.define( {
	getLegs: function() {}
} );

class Animal {


try {
	Animal.implement( ILeggedEarthling );
catch ( e ) {
	// getLegs is not implemented
	console.log( e.toString() );


Mixes the prototype of another function into the prototype of this function. It is also possible to just mixin the properties of an object that is not a function. The function takes variable number of arguments where the last one may be ResolveMixins().

Experimental: This function was OK with ES5, but it is not fully clear if this may affect future code when the JavaScript matures more, or if it may negatively affect compiler optimisations.

) : this;


function MyTrait1 () {


MyTrait1.define( {
	reusablePiece1: function () {

} );

function MyTrait2 () {


MyTrait2.define( {
	reusablePiece2: function () {

} );

class MyClass {


MyClass.mixin( MyTrait1, MyTrait2 );


Passed as last argument to Function.mixin() to resolve conflicts where different mixins define a function with the same name.

The function accepts single argument where they key is the name of the conflicting function to be resolved and the value is the preferred mixin to use the function from.



// if B and C has method overlappingMember(), the one from B will be used.
A.mixin( B, C, ResolveMixins( { 'overlappingMember': B } ) );


Creates a wrapper function that always calls another function with the same arguments. Bound arguments will be appended to any arguments that the function is called with.

) : Function;


var myLog = console.log.bindArgsAfter( 1 );
// this will print 2 1 console, 2 );


Creates a wrapper function that always calls another function with the same arguments. Bound arguments will be prepended to any arguments that the function is called with.

) : Function;


var myLog = console.log.bindArgsBefore( 1 );
// this will print 1 2 console, 2 );



Extends the built-in String.indexOf() with support of RegExp.

If the last argument is passed its .length property will be populated with the length of the matched regular expression, because unlike searching for a static string, the length of the match may be variable.

) : Number;


Extends the built-in String.lastIndexOf() with support of RegExp.

If the last argument is passed its .length property will be populated with the length of the matched regular expression, because unlike searching for a static string, the length of the match may be variable.

Warning: This function may have significant performance impact. JavaScript does not support searching matching regular expressions from the end of the string, so matching will be performed repeatedly on the whole string to find the last matching position. Therefore use with care, the function is provided mostly for consistency.

) : Number;


Splits a string on the first occurrence of substring.

) : Object;

The returned object will look like this, where length can be used to determine the length of the matched regular expression, if one is using RegExp to search for.

	left: String,
	right: String|undefined,
	length: Number


Splits a string on the last occurrence of substring.

) : Object;

The returned object will look like this, where length can be used to determine the length of the matched regular expression, if one is using RegExp to search for.

	left: String,
	right: String|undefined,
	length: Number


Just a polyfill for String.startsWith(), if it is missing.


Just a polyfill for String.endsWith(), if it is missing.


Counts the occurrences of substring in a string.

) : Number;


Checks if a substring is contained within the string.

) : Boolean;


Converts the first letter of the string to upper case and returns the new string.

.toFirstUpperCase() : String;


Checks if argument is a String object or string primitive. This function checks for both typeof and instanceof. For explanation why this is needed check Proper type determination in JavaScript

) : Boolean;



Checks if argument is a Number object or number primitive. This function checks for both typeof and instanceof. For explanation why this is needed check Proper type determination in JavaScript

) : Boolean;



Checks if argument is a Boolean object or boolean primitive. This function checks for both typeof and instanceof. For explanation why this is needed check Proper type determination in JavaScript

) : Boolean;



Resets the .lastIndex property to zero.

.resetIndex() : this;


Saves the .lastIndex property to an internal stack. Useful for reusing RegExp object in recursive searches.

.pushIndex() : this;


Restores the .lastIndex property from an internal stack. Useful for reusing RegExp object in recursive searches.

.popIndex() : this;

Quick OOP example

"use strict";

// this modifies the global built in objects, it does not export anything
// only needs to be included once
require( 'Prototype' );

// classes

class Earthling {

	constructor () {
		this._init = 1;

	getType () {
		return 'Earthling';


var earthling = new Earthling();

// inheritance
class Animal extends Earthling {

	constructor () {
		// call the base constructor

		// call the constructor of the mixin this, 5 );
	getType () {
		return 'Animal';
		// || we could call the parent method this );

// intefaces (experimental)

function ILeggedEarthling () {

ILeggedEarthling.define( {
	getLegs: function() {}
} );

try {
	Animal.implement( ILeggedEarthling );
catch ( e ) {
	// getLegs is not implemented
	console.log( e.toString() );

// mixins

// we use the function (ES5) syntax here to be able to reuse it later,
// because ES6 forbids calling the constructor of a class without new
function TLeggedEarthling ( nlegs ) {
	this._nLegs = nlegs;

TLeggedEarthling.define( {
	getLegs: function() {
		return this._nLegs;
} );

Animal.mixin( TLeggedEarthling ).implement( ILeggedEarthling );

// we can mixin multiple mixins
// and we can resolve overlapping functions in mixins.
// this will copy the contants of Templ1 and Templ2
// in the prototype of Animal choosing Templ1.func1 over Templ2.func2
// and choosing Templ2.func2 over Templ1.func2,
// assuming that we had Templ1 and Templ2 with func1 and func2
// Animal.mixin( Templ1, Templ2, ResolveMixins( {
// 	func1: Templ1,
// 	func2: Templ2,
// } ) );

var animal = new Animal();

// this will pass
if ( animal instanceof Earthling ) {
	console.log( animal.getType(), 'has', animal.getLegs(), 'legs' );

// this will not pass
if ( animal instanceof TLeggedEarthling ) {
	console.error( 'should not happen' );

// this will not pass
if ( animal instanceof ILeggedEarthling ) {
	console.error( 'should not happen' );

// to check instanceof iterfaces and traits we need to use a hack
// this has runtime performance cost, but should be insignificant
if ( animal.instanceof( ILeggedEarthling ) ) {
	console.log( animal.getType(), 'is legged earthling' );

// this also works
if ( animal.instanceof( Earthling ) ) {
	console.log( animal.getType(), 'is', animal ) );


  • Object.cmp(), Array.cmp() (copy from unitest-js)
  • Array.diff()


Borislav Peev (borislav.asdf at gmail dot com)


Extensions to the JavaScript standard library for Node.js and browser.






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