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My Progress in LeetCode.
I will be adding 35 solutions every week on Sundays.

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# Solution Topic Difficulty
00001 Two Sum Hashmap Easy
00002 Add Two Numbers Linked-List Medium
00007 Reverse Integer Math Medium
00009 Palindrome Number String Easy
00010 Regular Expression Matching Dynamic-Programming Hard
00011 Container With Most Water Two-Pointers Medium
00014 Longest Common Prefix String Easy
00015 3Sum Two-Pointers Medium
00019 Remove Nth Node From End Of List Linked-List Medium
00020 Valid Parentheses Stack Easy
00021 Merge Two Sorted Lists Linked-List Easy
00026 Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array Math Easy
00027 Remove Element Two-Pointers Easy
00028 Find The Index Of The First Occurrence In A String String Easy
00035 Search Insert Position Binary-Search Easy
00057 Insert Interval Array Medium
00058 Length Of Last Word String Easy
00066 Plus One Math Easy
00069 Sqrtx Binary-Search Easy
00083 Remove Duplicates From Sorted List Linked-List Easy
00094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Tree Easy
00098 Validate Binary Search Tree Tree Medium
00100 Same Tree Tree Easy
00125 Valid Palindrome Two-Pointers Easy
00129 Sum Root To Leaf Numbers Tree Medium
00136 Single Number Bit-Hacks Easy
00141 Linked List Cycle Hashmap Easy
00144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Tree Easy
00145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Tree Easy
00148 Sort List Linked-List Medium
00167 Two Sum Ii Input Array Is Sorted Two-Pointers Medium
00190 Reverse Bits Bit-Hacks Easy
00191 Number Of 1 Bits Bit-Hacks Easy
00193 Valid Phone Numbers Shell Easy
00194 Transpose File Shell Easy
00195 Tenth Line Shell Easy
00202 Happy Number Hashmap Easy
00203 Remove Linked List Elements Linked-List Easy
00206 Reverse Linked List Linked-List Easy
00226 Invert Binary Tree Tree Easy
00231 Power Of Two Bit-Hacks Easy
00237 Delete Node In A Linked List Linked-List Medium
00238 Product Of Array Except Self Prefix-Sum Medium
00242 Valid Anagram Hashmap Easy
00268 Missing Number Bit-Hacks Easy
00338 Counting Bits Bit-Hacks Easy
00342 Power Of Four Bit-Hacks Easy
00344 Reverse String String Easy
00349 Intersection Of Two Arrays Hashmap Easy
00350 Intersection Of Two Arrays Ii Hashmap Easy
00367 Valid Perfect Square Binary-Search Easy
00383 Ransom Note Hashmap Easy
00387 First Unique Character In A String Hashmap Easy
00389 Find The Difference Bit-Hacks Easy
00404 Sum Of Left Leaves Tree Easy
00409 Longest Palindrome Hashmap Easy
00412 Fizz Buzz Bit-Hacks Easy
00448 Find All Numbers Disappeared In An Array Array Easy
00452 Minimum Number Of Arrows To Burst Balloons Array Medium
00461 Hamming Distance Bit-Hacks Easy
00506 Relative Ranks Priority-Queue Easy
00509 Fibonacci Number Math Easy
00525 Contiguous Array Prefix-Sum Medium
00543 Diameter Of Binary Tree Tree Easy
00623 Add One Row To Tree Tree Easy
00704 Binary Search Binary-Search Easy
00709 To Lower Case Math Easy
00771 Jewels And Stones Priority-Queue Easy
00791 Custom Sort String Hashmap Medium
00832 Flipping An Image Array Easy
00876 Middle Of The Linked List Linked-List Easy
00930 Binary Subarrays With Sum Hashmap Medium
00961 N Repeated Element In Size 2N Array Hashmap Easy
00977 Squares Of A Sorted Array Two-Pointers Easy
00979 Distribute Coins In Binary Tree Tree Medium
01002 Find Common Characters Hashmap Easy
01108 Defanging An Ip Address String Easy
01137 N Th Tribonacci Number Memoization Easy
01171 Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes From Linked List Hashmap Medium
01281 Subtract The Product And Sum Of Digits Of An Integer Math Easy
01325 Delete Leaves With A Given Value Tree Medium
01431 Kids With The Greatest Number Of Candies Array Easy
01480 Running Sum Of 1D Array Array Easy
01486 Xor Operation In An Array Bit-Hacks Easy
01544 Make The String Great Stack Easy
01614 Maximum Nesting Depth Of The Parentheses String Easy
01672 Richest Customer Wealth Matrix Easy
01887 Reduction Operations To Make The Array Elements Equal Math Medium
01929 Concatenation Of Array Array Easy
02000 Reverse Prefix Of Word String Easy
02011 Final Value Of Variable After Performing Operations String Easy
02073 Time Needed To Buy Tickets Array Easy
02215 Find The Difference Of Two Arrays Hashmap Easy
02235 Add Two Integers Math Easy
02248 Intersection Of Multiple Arrays Hashmap Easy
02372 Largest Local Values In A Matrix Array Easy
02413 Smallest Even Multiple Number-Theory Easy
02441 Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative Hashmap Easy
02469 Convert The Temperature Math Easy
02485 Find The Pivot Integer Math Easy
02487 Remove Nodes From Linked List Linked-List Medium
02540 Minimum Common Value Two-Pointers Easy
02620 Counter Typescript Easy
02626 Array Reduce Transformation Typescript Easy
02629 Function Composition Typescript Easy
02634 Filter Elements From Array Typescript Easy
02635 Apply Transform Over Each Element In Array Typescript Easy
02665 Counter Ii Typescript Easy
02667 Create Hello World Function Typescript Easy
02704 To Be Or Not To Be Typescript Easy
02769 Find The Maximum Achievable Number Math Easy
02798 Number Of Employees Who Met The Target Array Easy
02810 Faulty Keyboard String Easy
02816 Double A Number Represented As A Linked List Linked-List Medium
02894 Divisible And Non Divisible Sums Difference Math Easy
02942 Find Words Containing Character Array Easy
03005 Count Elements With Maximum Frequency Hashmap Easy
03099 Harshad Number Math Easy
03110 Score Of A String Array Easy