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FunnyBirds: A Synthetic Vision Dataset for a Part-Based Analysis of Explainable AI Methods (ICCV 2023)


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FunnyBirds Framework

License Framework

⚠️ Disclaimer: This repository provides the minimal working code to run your own evaluations on the FunnyBirds framework. If you are looking for other components of our work, e.g., the dataset rendering, the custom evaluations, or the framework code for all methods, please see here. However, if you just want to run the framework evaluation, we recommend using this repository.

R. Hesse, S. Schaub-Meyer, and S. Roth. FunnyBirds: A Synthetic Vision Dataset for a Part-Based Analysis of Explainable AI Methods. ICCV, 2023, oral presentation.

Paper | ArXiv | Video

Getting Started

The following section provides a very detailed description of how to use the FunnyBirds framework. Even if the instructions might seem a bit long and intimidating, most of the steps are finished very quickly. So don't lose hope and if you have recommendations on how to improve the framework or the instructions, we would be grateful for your feedback.

Download the dataset

The dataset requires ~1.6GB free disk space.

cd /path/to/dataset/

Set up the environment

If you use conda you can create your environment as shown below:

conda create --name funnybirds-framework python=3.7
conda activate funnybirds-framework
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install captum -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge tqdm
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install conda-forge::einops=0.6.1
conda install anaconda::pillow

Clone the repository

git clone
cd funnybirds-framework

After following the above steps, you can test if everything is properly set up by running:

python --data /path/to/dataset/FunnyBirds --model resnet50 --explainer InputXGradient --accuracy --gpu 0

This simply evaluates the accuracy of a randomly initialized ResNet-50 and should output something like

Acc@1   0.00 (  1.00)
Acc@5   0.00 ( 10.00)

followed by an error (because all metrics must be evaluate to complete the script). If this is working, we can already continue with setting up the actual evaluation. In the FunnyBirds framework each method is a combination of a model and an explanation method.

Prepare the model

If you want to evaluate a post-hoc explanation method on the standard models ResNet-50, VGG16, or ViT, you can simply download our model weights

cd /path/to/models/

and choose the models with the parameters --model [resnet50,vgg16, vit_b_16] --checkpoint_name /path/to/models/model.pth.tar. To verify this, running again

python --data /path/to/dataset/FunnyBirds --model resnet50 --checkpoint_name /path/to/models/resnet50_final_0_checkpoint_best.pth.tar --explainer InputXGradient --accuracy --gpu 0

should now output an accuracy score close to 1.0. If you want to use your own model, you have to train it and add it to the framework.

Train a new model

For training your own model please use

First enter your model name to the list of valid choices of the --model argument of the parser:

choices=['resnet50', 'vgg16', ...]
choices=['resnet50', 'vgg16', ..., 'your_model']

Next, instantiate your model, load the ImageNet weights, and change the output dimension to 50, e.g.:

# create model
if args.model == 'resnet50':
    model = resnet50(pretrained=args.pretrained)
    model.fc = torch.nn.Linear(2048, 50)
elif args.model == 'vgg16':
    model = vgg16(pretrained=args.pretrained)
    model.classifier[-1] = torch.nn.Linear(4096, 50)
elif ...
elif args.model == 'your_model':
    model = your_model()
    model.classifier[-1] = torch.nn.Linear(XXX, 50)
    print('Model not implemented')

Now you can train your model by calling

python --data /path/to/dataset/FunnyBirds --model your_model --checkpoint_dir /path/to/models/ --checkpoint_prefix your_model --gpu 0 --multi_target --pretrained --seed 0

Don't forget to adjust the hyperparameters accordingly.

Add a new model to the framework

To add the model to the framework you first have to go to ./models/ and define a new class for your model that implements a forward() function and a load_state_dict() function (if StandardModel does not work for you). For examples you can refer to StandardModel or to the complete FunnyBirds repository. Next, you have to add the model to the choices list and the available models in as was done in Train a new model.

Prepare the explanation method

Each explanation method is wrapped in an explainer_wrapper that implements the interface functions and the function to generate the explanation:


Currently, the code supports the explainers InputXGradient, Integrated Gradients, and the ViT specific methods Rollout and CheferLRP.

To implement your own wrapper, go to ./explainers/ and have a look at the CustomExplainer class. Here you can add your own explainer. If you want to evaluate an attribution method, simply let CustomExplainer inherit from AbstractAttributionExplainer and implement explain() and maybe __init__(). If you want to evaluate another explanation type you also have to implement get_important_parts() and/or get_part_importance(). For examples you can refer to the full FunnyBirds repository or the provided CaptumAttributionExplainer.

The inputs and outputs of the interface functions get_part_importance() and get_important_parts() are defined as:


  • image: The input image. Torch tensor of size [1, 3, 256, 256].
  • part_map: The corresponding segmentation map where one color denotes one part. Torch tensor of size [1, 3, 256, 256].
  • target: The target class. Torch tensor of size [1].
  • colors_to_part: A list that maps colors to parts. Dictionary: {(255, 255, 253): 'eye01', (255, 255, 254): 'eye02', (255, 255, 0): 'beak', (255, 0, 1): 'foot01', (255, 0, 2): 'foot02', (0, 255, 1): 'wing01', (0, 255, 2): 'wing02', (0, 0, 255): 'tail'}
  • thresholds: The different thresholds to use to estimate which parts are important. Numpy array of size (80,).
  • with_bg: Include the background parts in the computation. Boolean


  • get_important_parts() A list with the same length as the number of thresholds (we get one result per threshold). Each inner list contains the strings of the parts that are estimated to be important by the explanation, e.g., ['eye', 'beak', 'foot', 'wing', 'tail'].
  • get_part_importance() A dictionary with the part strings as keys and the estimated importances as value, e.g., {'eye': -0.040, 'beak': -1.25, 'foot': -0.504, 'wing': -0.501, 'tail': 0.3185}.

Finally, you have to add your CustomExplainer to the script by instantiating it in:

elif args.explainer == 'CustomExplainer':

Run the evaluation

If you have successfully followed all of the above steps you should be able to run the evaluation using the following command:

python --data /path/to/dataset/FunnyBirds --model your_model --checkpoint_name /path/to/models/your_model_checkpoint_best.pth.tar --explainer CustomExplainer --accuracy --controlled_synthetic_data_check --target_sensitivity --single_deletion --preservation_check --deletion_check --distractibility --background_independence --gpu 0

The evaluation for ResNet-50 with InputXGradient can be run with:

python --data /path/to/dataset/FunnyBirds --model resnet50 --checkpoint_name /path/to/models/resnet50_final_0_checkpoint_best.pth.tar --explainer InputXGradient --accuracy --controlled_synthetic_data_check --target_sensitivity --single_deletion --preservation_check --deletion_check --distractibility --background_independence --gpu 0

and should result in

Accuracy, CSDC, PC, DC, Distractability, Background independence, SD, TS
0.998   0.7353  0.602   0.532   0.54372 0.99826 0.54592 0.806
Best threshold: 0.01620253164556962

Plot your results

To obtain the spider plots used in our paper, simply add your results to line 10 of and run the script. The result is stored in plot.png and should look like this:


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing

  title     = {Funny{B}irds: {A} Synthetic Vision Dataset for a Part-Based Analysis of Explainable {AI} Methods},
  author    = {Hesse, Robin and Schaub-Meyer, Simone and Roth, Stefan},
  booktitle = {2023 {IEEE/CVF} International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, October 2-6, 2023},
  year      = {2023},
  publisher = {{IEEE}}, 
  pages     = {3981-3991}


FunnyBirds: A Synthetic Vision Dataset for a Part-Based Analysis of Explainable AI Methods (ICCV 2023)







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