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An IRC bot in node.js

getting started

git clone;
cd langbot;
cp etc/config.default.json etc/langbot.config.json;
"${EDITOR:-vi}" etc/langbot.config.json;

To add more bots, add a config file for each bot at ./etc/[botname].config.json.

running your bots

You control your bots with the langbot script. The first time you run it, it will install all the required npm packages, so it may take some time. The script knows the following commands:

./langbot status

Display the current status of your bots.

./langbot start [botname]

Start a bot with config at [./etc/[botname].config.json]. All bots will be started by default.

./langbot stop [botname]

Stop a bot. All running bots will be stopped by default.

./langbot restart [botname]

Restart a bot. All running bots will be restarted by default.

./langbot update

Update required npm packages and the bot source.

./langbot reinstall

Reinstall required npm packages.

using your bot in IRC

The bot reacts to commands. To issue a command, you can say .cmd or botname, cmd or botname: cmd or botname> cmd in the channel, or cmd in a private message to the bot. You can issue the following commands to the bot:

basic commands

.help [command]

Show help for a particular command, or a list of commands.


Show information about the bot.


Show more technical information about the bot.


If the reply to your last command ends in [...], you can use .more to get further results.

other commands

Other commands are provided by modules and include the following:

  • .tell [nick] [message] - leave a message for a user
  • .seen [nick] - check when the user last spoke on the channel
  • .u [search terms] - search unicode data
  • .lang [search terms] - search language data
  • .where [search terms] - search geonames data
  • .wik [lang:] [search terms] - lookup Wikipedia (English by default)
  • .w [lang:] [term] - lookup Wiktionary (show results in all languages by default)
  • .ety [term] - lookup
  • .urban [term] - lookup urban dictionary
  • .g [search terms] - find on Google
  • .tr [from:to] [text] - use Google translate (auto:en by default)
  • .weather [search terms] - weather forecast from weather underground
  • .c [expression] - use Google Calculator
  • .re /regexp/opt text - regular expression matching

API for modules

Save your module in ./src/modules/[modname].mod.js. If your module has configuration options, add them to your bot's config file under modules.[modname]. Be sure to also add them to ./etc/config.default.json.

All modules follow this pattern:

exports.setup = function(bot,opt) {

set up your module

exports.setup = function(bot,options) {...}

This will be called when the module is loaded. This is where you put your module code. bot is the bot object, and options are your module's options loaded from the bot's config is the bot's client object as provided by the node-irc library.

add a command

Your module can add commands to the bot:


name is the name of the command, i.e. what you type in IRC, without the dot. options is an object with the following properties:

  • usage: - A string with example usage of the command, e.g. ".foo [bar]". This will be used in .help.
  • help: - A string with an explanation of the comamnd, e.g. "Do foo to bar." This will be used in .help.
  • args: - Optional regexp for matching arguments. See below for details.
  • action: - The function that will be called when the command is issued. See below for details.

extract arguments

If you provide a regexp for the args: option, the text after the command will be tested against it. If it matches, action: will be called with arguments extracted from ( ) groups in the regexp. Use (?: ) in your regexp to avoid adding a group to the arguments.

Typical patterns include:

  • /^(.*)$/ - match everything
  • /^(.+)$/ - match everything, but require at least one character
  • /^(\S+)$/ - match a single "word" argument (i.e. a sequence of non-whitespace characters)
  • /^(\S+) (.+)$/ - match a "word" argument followed by some text
  • /^(\S+) (\S+)$/ - match two "word" arguments
  • /^(\S+)(?: (\S+))?$/ - match one or two "word" arguments, using (?: ) to avoid capturing the optional space; optional parameters might be easier to handle by overloading the command (see below)

If you don't provide the args: option, action will be called with the whole text as the first argument, followed by individual "words" (i.e. the text split by whitespace).

handle the command

When a command is issued and arguments are matched, the action: function is called.

action: function(from,respond,args...) { ... }

from is the user who issued the command. respond is the object you use to reply to the user, and args... are the arguments as parsed by args:. Typically your action: will look like:

  • function (from,respond) { ... } - no arguments
  • function (from,respond,arg) { ... } - a single argument
  • function (from,respond,arg1,arg2) { ... } - two arguments
  • function (from,respond,text,arg1,arg2) { ... } - no args: option provided

Use the respond object to provide feedback. Its exact behavior depends on how the command was issued. You can use it in several different ways:

  • respond(args...) - send text to the user immediately
  • respond.print(args...)- add text to the user's queue; you can use special tokens <br> and <nobr>
  • respond.printbr(args...) - as above, but add <br> at the end
  • respond.printrow(l,m,r) - add a single line to the queue, shortening m to fit into a single line
  • respond.flush() - show the head of the user's queue; the rest can be accessed with .more

overload a command

You can register the same command several times. In this case, the bot will try to match the provided arguments against each version of the command in reverse order, and the first version that matches will be called. This can be used to simplify your code and to overload commands provided by other modules.

handle events

You can handle both IRC events as provided by the node-irc library and custom events provided by langbot.

bot.client.on(event, handler)

Handle IRC events. See docs.

bot.on(event, handler)

Handle custom events. For now this is only:

  • bot.on('say',function(from,text) {...} ) - listen to the channel, ignoring commands issued to the bot.


An IRC bot in node.js






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