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Coordinating Meeting November 9th 2018 11:30 am AST

David Keiser-Clark edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 3 revisions
  • Chair: Bryan Brown
  • Notes: Daniel Lamb

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (hiatus?)
  • Dev Ops (hiatus)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • ISLE Interest Group


Islandora Camps

  • iCampCA
  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting November 23

  • Chair: Aaron Choate
  • Notes: Wilhelmina Randtke


Old Business

No old business this week.

Release update

Lots of red in the spreadsheet for testing and documenting. Need some help prodding our volunteers to get things done in time. The only blocker bug found so far has been fixed, and there is a new release of the islandora_vagrant_base_box with ffmpeg2theora that fixes it. Meetings will be shifted to 12:30 Eastern to accommodate the European crowd.

MIG Update

The MIG continues to work through the mapping and is meeting again next week. Last meetings discussions were more procedural about the group and what the final result of their work will look like. A CSV with the fields and mappings will be the output, and the committer's will use that to build Drupal features and implement it.

ISLE Update

  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a $153,000 grant to the Islandora Collaboration Group (ICG) to create “Islandora for All: Extending the Open-Source Platform to Include Broad Scale Institutional Repository Appeal and High-Performance Scalability”. This grant funds Phase II for both the ISLE and LASIR projects.
  • ISLE Version 1.1 is due for public release before American Thanksgiving (Nov 25). Going through a final documentation run before release, and will include updated documentation.
  • LASIR: for Task 1 objective, we will be enhancing SEO by including this Jira ticket that has been outstanding in the community (we’ve interpreted that as an in general call to help optimize the Islandora Google Scholar submodule, leading to better SEO). Other tasks have been proceeding well as well, and we're really trying to keep an eye out for building on work that was already done, and meeting community need and our needs.
  • ISLE being added as installation method for Islandora (production, development, laptop) (end of Nov)
  • Islandora for All presentation at DLF
  • The ICG is excited that Amherst College has joined the ICG. (Este Pope wrote this post: No college is an island: Amherst College chooses Islandora

LASIR Update

Looking to upgrade SEO for IR and work through long-standing JIRA tickets for scholar:

CLAW Update

Lots of great community contributions have rolled in for generating audio and video derivatives (big thanks to Natkeeran from UTSC and Jared Whiklo from UManitoba). Had some hiccups with the installer but that's been sorted out. Batch importing in the style of 7.x has been roughly worked through and documentation / PRs forthcoming.

Islandora Camps Update

iCamp CA is happening now. And it's in the black.

Nothing new to report on Islandoracon. We'll hear more next meeting when she's back from iCamp CA.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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