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Release Notes

funakoshi-dev edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 79 revisions
  • Version 8.2.0 2023/09/14

    • Update Data Collection Items (Diagnostics)
    • Fixed issue : Fullscreen ad displayed in unintended layout on iOS 17.
    • Internal code improvements.
  • Version 8.1.0 2023/07/26

    • Change the minimum Deployment Target to iOS 11.0
    • Changed development environment to Xcode 14.1 or later.
    • Changed so that ads using SKAdNetwork are not served if nend's SKAdNetworkIdentifier is not set in Info.plist
    • Removed i386 from framework architecture
    • Removed CoreTelephony.framework from Optional Frameworks
    • Internal code improvements.
  • Version 8.0.1 2023/04/06

    • Fixed issue : Failed click SKAdNetwork ad in some cases.
  • Version 8.0.0 2023/03/06

    • Updated the SDK from a .framework to a .xcframework.
    • Added support for SKAdNetwork Version 4.0.
    • Changed type of property nendSpotID to NSNumber in NADView.
    • Fixed issue:
      • Illegal endcard size by different orientation on video ads.
      • 'NativeVideoViewDidStartPlay' called duplicately on native video ad.
      • 'nadRewardVideoAdDidClose' called duplicately on reward video ad.
    • Removed deprecated properties and method.
      • Removed spotId(String) input in all ad formats.
      • Removed isOutputLog property in all ad formats.
      • Interstitial ad
        • Removed protocol NADInterstitialDelegate.
        • Removed property delegate
      • Removed UserID, UserFeature property on video ads.
    • Improvements internal code.
Detail : Removed deprecated properties and method.
    - NADView
      - property
        - isOutputLog
      - method
        - setNendID: spotID:

    - NADInterstitial
      - protocol
        - NADInterstitialDelegate
      - property
        - delegate
        - isOutputLog
      - method
        - loadAdWithApiKey: spotId:
        - showAdFromViewController: spotId:

    - NADNativeClient
      - method
        - initWithSpotId: apiKey:

    - NADNativeLogger class

    - NADNativeTableViewHelper
      - method
        - helperWithTableView: spotId: apiKey: advertisingExplicitly: adPlacement: delegate:
        - helperWithTableView: spotId: apiKey: advertisingExplicitly: adPlacement: delegate: placeholderCellClass:
        - helperWithTableView: spotId: apiKey: advertisingExplicitly: adPlacement: delegate: placeholderCellNibName:

    - NADNativeLoader
      - method
        - loadWithSpotId: apiKey: completionBlock:

    - NADFullBoardLoader
      - method
        - initWithSpotId:spotId apiKey:

    - NADVideo
      - property
        - userId
        - userFeature
        - isLocationEnabled
        - isOutputLog
      - method
        - initWithSpotId:apiKey:

    - NADUserFeature class

    - NADInterstitialVideo
      - method
        - addFallbackFullboardWithSpotId: apiKey

    - NADNativeVideoLoader
      - property
        - userId
        - userFeature
        - isLocationEnabled
      - method
        - initWithSpotId: apiKey:
        - initWithSpotId: apiKey: clickAction:
        - setFillerStaticNativeAdId: apiKey:

  • Version 7.4.0 2022/09/09

    • Fixed issue:
      • SKAdNetwork ads fail to load on iOS 16.
      • In rare cases, cannot rotate ad on iOS 16.
      • Banner ad display in unintended layout.
      • In rare cases, crash when closing video ad.
      • Ad were not closed properly when releaseVideoAd() called during video ad playback.
    • User ID and User Feature settings removed from the options for video ad and native video ad.
    • Changed Minimum Deployment Target to iOS 10.0.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 7.3.0 2022/04/18

    • Added support for SKAdNetwork Version 3.0.
  • Version 7.2.0 2022/03/01

    • Added new class : Share properties of WKWebView configuration used within the nendSDK.
    • Fixed issue : In rare cases, it may crash when loading a video ad.
    • Changed development environment to Xcode 13 or later.
  • Version 7.1.0 2021/10/21

    • Fixed issue : Crash when closing an ad with the dismiss() method in an interstitial ad.
    • Fixed issue : Wrong optional settings for methods within the NADInterstitialLoadingDelegate protocol and NADInterstitialClickDelegate protocol.
  • Version 7.0.6 2021/07/29

    • Fixed issue : If you set the wrong ad ID for a video ad, the video ad may load successfully.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 7.0.5 2021/05/13

    • Fixed issue : In rare cases, it may crash when loading a video ad.
    • Fixed issue : In rare cases, it may do not return a response when loading a video ad.
    • Removed optional information acquisition using CoreLocation.framework and CoreMotion.framework.
  • Version 7.0.4 2021/04/26
    We recommend updating to this SDK version as it contains important updates for SKAdNetwork.
    For details, please check 【Notice】 on the Top page

    • Fixed issue : Sometimes crashes when loading a video ad.
    • Fixed issue : No error occurs when data is incorrect in video native ads.
    • Changed development environment to Xcode 12 or later.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 7.0.2 2020/11/09

    • Fixed issue : Failed to download Video-Ad sometimes.
  • Version 7.0.1 2020/10/14

    • Fixed issue : Click the ad provided SKAdNetwork, the click conversion will be lost.
  • Version 7.0.0 2020/09/17

    • Support iOS 14
      • Added support for SKAdNetwork.
      • Fixed Unable to get IDFA on iOS 14.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 6.0.3 2020/08/26

    • Fixed issue : banner-ad layouts to wrong position on some Auto-Layout implementation pattern.
  • Version 6.0.2 2020/08/06

    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 6.0.1 2020/07/21

    • Fixed some issues of Interactive Video ad.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 6.0.0 2020/07/08

    • Change the minimum Deployment Target to iOS 9.0
    • Added Interactive-Ad that as a part of video ad.
  • Version 5.4.1 2020/03/11

    • Fixed issues:
      • Fixed a bug that memory leak occurs on video ads.
  • Version 5.4.0 2020/01/15

    • Added support Third Party Ad Serving for banner ad.
    • Fixed issues:
      • Link preview is displayed by long pressing of some banner ads and interstitial ads.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 5.3.1 2019/10/28

    • Fixed issues:
      • Fixed a bug when displaying full screen of native video ads in iPadOS Multiple Windows and Split View.
    • Modified:
      • Specification change on display processing of video native ads.
        • Add IBOutlet attribute for the property of NADNativeVideoView
          @property (readwrite, nonatomic, weak, nullable) IBOutlet UIViewController *rootViewController;
        • Add initialization method of NADNativeVideoView
          - (instancetype)initWithRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;,
          - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
        • Deprecated initialization method of NADNativeVideoView
          - (instancetype)init;,
          - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame;
  • Version 5.3.0 2019/09/18

    • Fixed issues:
      • Rarely crashes when loading video ads.
      • Crash when displaying video ads due to implementation.
    • Modified:
      • Optimize Native video ads full screen in iOS 13 dark mode.
      • Replace from UIWebView to WKWebView inside nendSDK.
  • Version 5.2.0 2019/07/09

    • Fixed issues:
      • In iOS 13, Fullscreen Ad, Video Ad and native video ads do not display correctly in full screen mode.
    • Add delegate method nadNativeVideoViewDidStartFullScreenPlaying: and nadNativeVideoViewDidStopFullScreenPlaying: in NADNativeVideoViewDelegate protocol.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 5.1.1 2019/02/14

    • Fixed issues:
      • App's UIPanGestureRecognizer may be force enabled after played video native ad as full screen mode.
      • Ad loading cannot be working rarely after failed to acquire location information.
    • Improvements internal code.
  • Version 5.1.0 2019/01/08

    • Added new property : Option about using location data.
    • Added sound option to Interstitial-Video ad.
  • Version 5.0.3 2018/10/31

    • Added - unregisterInteractionViews method to NADNativeVideo.
    • Modified - registerInteractionViews: method in NADNativeVideo ignores NendAdNativeMediaView.
    • Changed the type of the prLabel parameter of the - activateAdView:withPrLabel method of the native ad to UIView *.
    • Changed development environment to Xcode 9.0 or later.
    • Improvement of internal processing.
  • Version 5.0.2 2018/07/26

    • Fixed a bug that the Video View would turn black when returning from full screen display with ad click when generating NADNativeVideoView class using init.
    • Fixed a bug that occasionally the error code 400 might be returned when requesting video advertisement or video native advertisement.
  • Version 5.0.1 2018/07/13

    • Fixed a bug that crashes when viewing video ads to the end in iOS 8.x.
    • Change the layout when native video ads are displayed on full screen.
  • Version 5.0.0 2018/06/26

    • Added native video ads
  • Version 4.0.6 2018/05/29

    • Fixed a bug that iOS 11 stops moving images when locking and unlocking the terminal during movie advertising playback.
    • Log output settings are unified in all ad formats.
  • Version 4.0.5 2018/05/07

    • Fixed a bug that video did not play when showing video ad while using multiple AVPlayer.
    • Improvement of internal processing.
  • Version 4.0.4 2018/03/16

    • Added fuction for setting background color to interstitial video ad's Fallback Fullscreen ads.
    • Changed background color of Video ad's outside Safe Area.
    • Fixed a crash that caused iPhoneX to crash when displaying different video advertisements when the rotation of the application is fixed.
  • Version 4.0.3 2018/02/15

    • Added targeting-ad option of video ad is available to using Features of User
    • Optimize full screen ads for iPhoneX.
  • Version 4.0.2 2017/12/12

    • iPhoneX display size support for video advertisement.
    • Fixed a bug that cache of video advertisement material was not deleted under certain conditions.
    • Other, modification of internal processing.
  • Version 4.0.1 2017/10/11

    • Modified callback of ad load that is changed to use on main thread.
    • Fixed a problem that display position shifts rarely when horizontal (vertical) fixed video is displayed with vertical (horizontal) fixed application.
    • Other, modification of internal processing.
  • Version 4.0.0 2017/10/11

    • Provide Rewarded Video advertisement.
    • Provide Interstitial Video advertisement.
    • Deprecated NADNativeImageView class was removed.
    • Deprecated NADNativeLabel class was removed.
    • Deprecated NADFullBoardLayoutType in NADFullBoard was removed.
    • Deprecated method in NADFullBoard was removed.
      • - (void)showInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController layoutType:(NADFullBoardLayoutType)type;
      • - (UIViewController<NADFullBoardView> *)fullScreenAdViewControllerWithType:(NADFullBoardLayoutType)type;
    • Deprecated method in NADInterstitial was removed.
      • - (NADInterstitialShowResult)showAd;
      • - (NADInterstitialShowResult)showAdWithSpotId:(NSString *)spotId;
    • Deprecated variable in NADInterstitial was removed.
      • @property (nonatomic) NSArray *supportedOrientations;
    • Deprecated method in NADNative was removed.
      • - (void)intoView:(UIView<NADNativeViewRendering> *)view;
    • Deprecated method in NADNativeClient was removed.
      • - (instancetype)initWithSpotId:(NSString *)spotId apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey advertisingExplicitly:(NADNativeAdvertisingExplicitly)advertisingExplicitly;
    • Deprecated delegate in NADNativeClient was removed
      • @property (nonatomic, weak) id<NADNativeDelegate> delegate;
    • Deprecated method in NADNativeDelegate was removed.
      • - (void)nadNativeDidDisplayAd:(NADNative *)ad success:(BOOL)success;
  • Version 3.3.4 2017/09/13

    • Changed to open ads with Safari at ad click.
  • Version 3.3.3 2017/05/16

    • Improved behavior when ad clicks.
  • Version 3.3.2 2017/04/05

    • Changed iOS 9.2 or later to open ads with SafariViewController at ad click.
    • Transfer communication processing to NSURLSession.
  • Version 3.3.1 2017/02/06

    • Layout adjustment of Fullscreen advertisement.
    • Fixed an issue where errors occurred when uploading to ITunes on Xcode 7 series.
  • Version 3.3.0 2017/01/19

    • Provide Fullscreen advertisement.
    • Change logo image message of NADNativeViewRendering protocol from - (UIImageView *) logoImageView to - (UIImageView *) nadLogoImageView.
  • Version 3.2.1 2016/08/31

    • When using NADNativeTableViewHelper, resolved the issue where the ad did not show in the last row.
    • When using NADNativeTableViewHelper, resolved the issue where it would crash when changing the contents of UITableView while loading an ad.
  • Version 3.2.0 2016/08/04

    • Make change to be able to acquire ad information from NADNative class.
    • Add auto reload function for native ads.
    • Specification change for native ads implementation.
      • The following “IF” for NADNativeClient is changed to “Not recommended”
        • - (instancetype)initWithSpotId:(NSString *)spotId apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey advertisingExplicitly:(NADNativeAdvertisingExplicitly)advertisingExplicitly;
        • @property (nonatomic, weak) id<NADNativeDelegate> delegate;
      • The following “IF” for NADNative is changed to “Not recommended”
        • - (void)intoView:(UIView<NADNativeViewRendering> *)view;
      • The following “IF” for NADNativeDelegate is changed to “Not recommended”
        • - (void)nadNativeDidDisplayAd:(NADNative *)ad success:(BOOL)success;
      • NADNativeImageView and NADNativeLabel are changed to “Not recommended”.
  • Version 3.1.2 2016/06/29

    • Make change that users can choose if interstitial ads can be reload automatically or not.
    • Make change to send notice when interstitial ads are deleted because of shift to background or such.
    • Modify the error that display processing during transition of interstitial ads shows errors.
    • Modify errors
    • Internal method change
  • Version 3.1.1 2016/05/18

    • Delete the following restriction on text for native ads.
      • The number of display text.
      • Minimum font size.
  • Version 3.1.0 2016/04/01

    • Add information button click event for banner ads and interstitial ads.
    • Specification change on display processing of interstitial ads.
      • Add Interstitial ads display method
        • - (NADInterstitialShowResult) showAdFromViewController:(UIViewController*)viewController;
        • - (NADInterstitialShowResult) showAdFromViewController:(UIViewController*)viewController spotId:(NSString *)spotId;
      • Change Existing interstitial ads method to “Not recommended”
        • - (NADInterstitialShowResult)showAd;
        • - (NADInterstitialShowResult)showAdWithSpotId:(NSString \*)spotId;
      • @property (nonatomic) NSArray* supportedOrientations; is changed to “Not recommended”
    • Modify native ads error.
  • Version 3.0.3 2016/01/28

    • When NADNativeTableViewHelper is used under UITableView with tableHeaderView or tableFooterView, margin appears to the top or the bottom, depending on situations.
    • Modify the error that when native ads are displayed on UITableViewCell and cells are selecter, ad display is cleared sometimes.
    • Modify the error on image expansion/clipping of native ads.
  • Version 3.0.2 2015/12/16

    • Modify the error that when NADNativeTableViewHelper is used, UIScrollViewDelegate of app side are not called out.
  • Version 3.0.1 2015/12/11

    • Modify the error which happens when interstitial ads are clicked.
  • Version 3.0.0 2015/12/01

    • Implement native ads.
    • Modify errors
  • Version 2.7.4 2015/10/05

    • Modify the error on bitcode under Xcode7.0.1.
  • Version 2.7.3 2015/10/02

    • Modify the error on interstitial ads under iOS9
  • Version 2.7.2 2015/09/18

    • Modify the error that warning message appears under specific condition.
    • Update Sample app to support Swift2.0
  • Version 2.7.1 2015/09/11

    • Support iOS9
    • Modify the error that apps crash in some cases when banner ads are displayed.
  • Version 2.7.0 2015/06/05

    • Delete icon ads function
  • Version 2.6.0 2015/05/28

    • Add auto scale function for banner ads.
    • Modify the errors on interstitial ads under iOS7.0.
  • Version 2.5.8 2015/04/14

    • Modify the error that interstitial ads are not displayed properly in some cases under iOS8.3.
    • Chenge NADViewErrorCode to typedef
    • Modify the error that interstitial ads are not shown properly if ad is loaded while interstitial ads are being shown.
    • Modify the error that when ads are tapped under cocos2d-x, different areas are tapped.
  • Version 2.5.7 2015/01/22

    • Modify the error that icon ads cannot be touched in some cases when recovering from background.
  • Version 2.5.6 2014/11/12

    • Modify the error on interstitial ads under iOS8.1.
    • Change the device direction setting condition for interstitial ads
    • Add multiple ad space management function for interstitial ads.
    • Move sample source to GitHub
  • Version 2.5.5 2014/10/06

    • Add usage of Bridging Header for Swift and example of implementation under Swift.
    • Modify errors
  • Version 2.5.4 2014/09/29

    • Modify errors
  • Version 2.5.3 2014/09/19

    • Modify errors
  • Version2.5.2 2014/09/10

    • The problem regarding the positioning of interstitial ads in iOS 8 has been fixed
    • Modify errors
  • Version2.5.1 2014/08/21

    • Modify errors
  • Version 2.5.0 2014/08/05

    • Implement interstitial ads
  • Version 2.4.1 2014/07/15

    • Modify errors
  • Version 2.4.0 2014/06/18

    • Support animated GIF
  • Version 2.3.3 2014/03/06

    • Support implementation by Interface Builder
    • Make delegate notice nadViewDidFinishLoad method optional
    • Review delegate processing of NADViewNADIconLoader
  • Version 2.3.2 2014/01/20

    • Modify errors
  • Version2.3.1 2013/12/02

    • Support ad size change for icon ads.
    • Add the setting to hide margin for icon ads
  • Version2.3.0 2013/11/05

    • Support icon ads
  • Version2.2.1 2013/09/26

    • Support iOS7 ads
    • Support arm64 architecture
  • Version2.2.0 2013/07/22

    • Add ad sizes
    • Add NSError property and testing ID for each ad size
    • Add ◆About ad size
    • Move ◆FAQ to WEB
  • Version2.1.0 2013/05/29

    • Add Click event notification(to deal with mediation)
    • Modify the error that crash happens after NADView is released under reception error notification method.
    • Modify sample code that relates to releae
  • Version2.0.2 2013/04/11

    • Modify the error that duplication error happens when specific libraries are used.(Additional modification)
    • Add noted on Link setting for AdSupport.framework.
  • Version2.0.1 2013/04/09

    • Modify the error that duplication error happens when specific libraries are used.
  • Version2.0.0 2013/04/02

    • Implement targeting ads function and opt-out function.
    • Start to use Advertising Identifier (IDFA).
    • Add log export setting property.
    • Modify other errors.
  • Version1.3.2 2012/09/20

    • Support iOS SDK 6 & iPhone 5 (armv7s)
  • Version1.3.1 2012/08/31

    • Modify the error that rotation cannot be managed under WebView type.
  • Version1.3.0 2012/06/25

    • Add the function that notice is sent when ad is successfully received.
    • Add the function that notice is sent when ad is not sent successfully.
    • Add the function to discontinue regular load.
    • Add the function to resume regular load.
  • Version1.2.3 2012/04/11

    • Modify the error that unnecessary memory are not released when acquiring ads.
  • Version1.2.2 2012/03/27

    • Stop acquiring device ID(UDID).
    • Make change to create view for size change from (320×48) to (320×50).
  • Version1.2.1 2011/08/24

    • Modify the error for simulator.
  • Version1.2.0 2011/08/16


nendSDK iOS について






About nendSDK iOS

SDK Implementation

Display Ads

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