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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Nov 9, 2022 · 2 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth
  • Rosie πŸͺ‘
  • Willow


  • Rosie Le Faive (Chair)
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Don Richards
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Adam Vessey
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Seth Shaw
  • Isabella Nikolaidis (notes)


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. PR Roundup- Link sorted by recently updated
  2. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Review of mailing list
  4. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


PR Roundup

  • Rosie: Changes the context which placed blocks.
    • Removes blocks that had been autoplaced by the project theme.
    • Also changed the IIIF manifest url because it had been including localhost 8000. Started with /node /mid stuff isntead.
  • Open to test
    • Worked in isle, should work in playbook - test in playbook!

  • Rosie: Some more recent changes have been merged. Is this ready to review?
  • Jordan: Still in progress, hold off on reviewing.

  • Rosie: Approve and run the workflows?
    • Since not a part of the islandora group, doesn't automatically run workflows.
  • Don: The very last part of this update is looking for test.jpeg - thought generic.png was the generic fallback image?
  • Rosie: This is within a test.
  • Adam: Something that attributes the class attribute on some renderized stuff as a string - but I think it should be an array of attributes or class values.
    • 360-361 of the .module
    • Otherwise might throw warnings.
  • Rosie: It needs to be nested in a step?
  • Adam: Array of attributes but the value for class needs to be an array too?
    • Not sure about this - checking out documentation.

  • This tests if a specific field option is available because sometimes it isn't there.
  • Don: Good practice before calling an if statement on a field, want to see if it's set first.
  • Adam: id is supposed to be testing some other bit of data. Digging into the plugin options and it doesn't seem to be a generally accepted thing. Might end up masking something else?
  • Rosie: This whole function tries to shift around the ordering of the fields you put in your view so the weight selector is in the right location.
  • Don: This is adding logic to make sure the value exists before checking to see if it is equal to a certain string.
  • Rosie can test.

  • Rosie: Update make clean warning.
  • Yamil: This is useful.
  • Approved and merged.

  • README for starter site.
  • Adam: there was another pr this was merged in, #15.

  • Rosie: Wanted to expose ActiveMQ, was able to go to it and see nothing was passed through the queue, looks like it also reset the counters.
    • Starter dev and make local sent me to this green create your site page (comment on PR).
  • Don: Haven't tried it with a less basic site.
    • Looks like permissions may have gotten jumbled.
  • Rosie: I can take a look at the permissions.

  • Out of slack issue where someone tried adding a new media type and said it's not showing up.
  • Rosie: Adds help text to illustrate the media types that can be added because they have the 'media of' field.
    • Link to manage media types.
    • The particular content type that you're on may or may not be allowed in the media type of child node type that you're trying to add.

  • Merges all of the roblib islandora Fits code in as a submodule of islandora.
  • Don: How will it impact people who currently have Fits as a regular module?
  • Rosie: Once we create a release with this, you won't be able to normamlly upgrade to that release.
    • This commit will have a composer.json conflict against the existing module.
    • Composer remove islandora fits and then composer update islandora to this new version that includes islandora fits, and then drush clear and clear php cache to restart your web server.
    • The code is all the same, should be a smooth upgrade
  • Don: Is it possible to make that an update hook inside of islandora? So if the user has that module you can automate the removal of it?
  • Rosie: This is one level up from composer so no, needs an update to isle, the playbook, starter site, and possibly the install profile.
  • Adam: Documentation with regards to getting the webservice and Crayfits integration.
  • Rosie: Rather wait on this until ready to merge into crayfits?
  • Refers back to old alpaca carafe stuff - will that make it clear that we need to update some things within this?
    • Or do we wait til after improving roblibs Fits and then merge it in?
  • Rosie: In playbook, we're not using the old carafe alpaca anymore.
  • Adam: It's the README that's referring back to the old, and refers to the roblibs crayfits under the install microservices.
    • Something that needs to be managed alongside with how that repo gets merged over.

  • Rosie: New bulk upload form, and this is a documentation update with updated screenshots and different wording.
  • Annie can review.

  • Ready for review.
  • Don: Is the fact the tests passed kind of the review?
  • Alexander: Think it may be time to full stack switch everything to PHP 8.1.
  • Don: Haven't had any problems building the buildkit on M1 - just Isle with M1 haS issues. Buildkit should work.
  • Alexander to test.

  • Rosie: Two small fixes to address warnings from drupal log.
    • Changes to how language configurations are saved in Drupal.
      • When you go into language configuration and don't change anything but click the save button you get some changed things in configs.
    • Also solr search index - added config for islandora object and told it to search their index. At the moment we have not really addressed search.
      • Separate issue for that. and

  • Don: Adds the .gitignore for the module directory and by doing so everything within the node modules directory should disappear.
    • Not sure why it's showing both.
  • Don: Setting this to draft to investigate further - not sure as not seeing git in the git ignore either.

  • Don: Colors was deprecated so this gets rid of the module, the reference to it.
  • Willow: So you can still pick variables assigned a color value to a variable in a theme?
  • Rosie: Is this the module that goes into the theme and lets you pick ex. the color for your header?
  • Don: This was deprecated.
  • Adam: Color module is no longer in core but it is a contrib module.
    • If you wanted to point out color you could.
  • Seth: You'd have to update composer file to pull it in.
  • Rosie: There is a drupal colorbox module which is a jquery plugin.
    • Matomo caring what theme color you're using.
    • matomo.settings.php
    • In their module, their schema list mentions colorbox.
  • Adam:
  • Rosie: Maybe it can be taken out? Decision process for changes to how the install profile works?
    • Some people want to change the color in their theme.
  • Seth: Instead of adding color in the composer.json, having something that says, we suggest using [this] to change the color of your theme.
  • Don: If we have the alternative which is color/color rather than drupal/color.
    • It doesn't make a lot of sense why matomo was complaining, or why the errors stopped after that one line.
    • Could give color/color a shot - not sure what it means to get it installed.
    • Assuming drupal/color is already installed, as it's not seen in the list of reqs.
  • Adam:
  • Before it was moved out to contrib there had been a thing to go get rid of all the references to drupal modules from contrib because they were getting rid of replaces statements.
  • Rosie: Would we have to do some sort of Drupal version conflicty statement? If color is currently in core, but it's going to be dropped in 10, you don't want to add composer require color/color if it's already in core.
  • Seth: Change the requirement from drupal/color to color/color in the reqs and it should be ok because Composer doesn't care about the requirements file.
    • Clear your cache, change the requirements to color/color and it should pick up the fact that it's looking at the vendor modules. Would need to be tested, but then we wouldn't have to worry about conflicts.
  • Don:
  • Seth: In Composer it's still drupal/color.
  • Adam: It actually calls it drupal/color/color.
  • Rosie: Maybe they namespace it so that if you're on drupal 9.5 you can install drupal/color/color because it's only being dropped in 10.
  • Install instructions say drupal/color. Packagist is not necessarily looking at the composer file for the name, just pulling it from the repo name?
  • Rosie: Looking at, branch 1x is backports, and branch 2x is new stuff. The green box that tells you to install it is of the 1x branch.
  • Seth: Use 1 when you're in 9 and when you move to 10 use 2?
  • Don: Drop the 1 change in the config - remove that line change and then leave the drupal code removal in for this pull request?
  • Rosie: Maybe we could leave this until we move to 10, because up until then color will work.
  • Adam: At the same time if there's no integration with it's not strictly a dependency.
  • Seth: Hesitate to leave it in, because if it's in 9 but deprecated in 10, it will end up being tech debt that someone will have to clean up on their own later.
  • Rosie: I agree, and if we want to put in a suggestion to say that this is something you could add if you wanted to.
  • Rosie: If somebody has the install profile, are you expecting them to pull changes that we commit to the install profile and then make those happen on their site?
    • There are update hooks in the install profile for fields, etc - so there's a history of making pullable updates.
  • Alexander: The modules and themes in the install profile will still run, there are technical limitations where the modules don't get executed in the same order so there's nothing stopping you from having an update hook in there.
    • If the install profile shipped a bunch of new changes to configs they wouldn't get them like defaults. Wouldn't get pulled in.
  • Rosie: What is the effect of somebody pulling an update that had one less module in it than the composer.json?
    • The json lists a bunch of things, bunch of drupal modules, islandora modules.
  • Seth: It would pull away anything you've done with that module.
  • Rosie: Because that module is in core, that change is kind of moot and the change we're proposeing is just to not install it/not make it a requirement in the .info file. So that won't uninstall it, it just won't be required going forward.

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